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Subject: Re: DTAP

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Date Posted: Sunday, November 20, 2016, 09:08: am
In reply to: Nurse 's message, "DTAP" on Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 11:21: pm

My new neighbor was unpacking her apartment when she came over and knocked on my door. I had met her briefly the other day as I was coming home. She was putting way cleaning supplies under the sink when she poked her hand on a nail under the kitchen sink cabinet. I cleaned it off with peroxide and placed a bandaid on it. I asked her when her last tetanus was and she said when I was in grade school. I told her she needed one. I hate shots she said. It made my so sore. Well that is why you get it in your bottom. larger muscle and as you walk within a few minutes you never know you got it. I could bring you home one if you decide you want it She said well ing to be very easy. e home with you. I went over to her apartment yesterday and knocked on her door. When she answered the door she was wearing a white t shirt with no bra and a some red nylon shorts. Her eyes got real big when she saw me standing there with the syringe. She asked if I wanted some coffee and I said sure. I am so scared to get this shot. She handed me my coffee and looed at the syringe. That long needle is going in my ass? After we finished the coffee I had her lie down on her couch across my lap. I pulled down her red shorts and red panties exposing her white bottom. I grabbed both of her butt cheeks and started to massage them and then I took the alcohol pad and ran it across her left cheek. Once she relaxed her muscle I darted the needle in her cheek and slowly injected. Afterward I pulled out the needle and started to squeeze and massage both of her cheeks. All done I said. I patted her bottom and started to pull up her panties. Keep on this feels so good on my butt. I spent another so minutes before pulling up her panties and shorts. Maybe we will do this again if you buy me dinner she said. I gave her a hug and one more squeeze to the butt.

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[> Subject: Re: DTAP

sports fan
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Date Posted: Thursday, April 16, 2020, 12:25: am

I got a TDAP. not a DTAP in my arm last summer, not in my butt. 11 years before that I got a DPT in my arm. And about 20 years before that, I got a TD In my arm. But as a kid, I always got a Tetanus shot in my butt, and it hurt for the rest of the day. My doctor told mom to give us an aspirin if it still hurt. So contrary to what is posted here, TDAP shots do not have to be given in the butt.

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[> [> Subject: Re: DTAP

Muskokan ()
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Date Posted: Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:21: am

Over the past twenty years, I received DTAP shots in my arm. The last one was ten years ago, so I'm due for another. Recalling the days of my childhood — stepping on nails, a nail poke on my head from climbing in a barn, repairing a spring-loaded crimping tool, etc. — boosters were required every year! . . . now they're good for ten.

Last edited by author: Friday, May 29, 2020, 08:24: am   Edited 1 time.
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