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Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 09:13: pm
In reply to: RD 's message, "Re: Mother-in-Law Injections" on Wednesday, December 07, 2016, 01:49: pm

It happened to me to be given buttock injections by my mother-in-law. It actually aroused me much, what technically was impossible to conceal. She probably liked it too. On the other hand it was not entirely so funny as the injections were very painful.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

DON (Mother-in Law injections)
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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 01:34: pm

Like myself giving my Mother-in-Law injections turned me on a great deal as explained in my prior post below. If you had the opportunity, would it turn you on if you were to give your Mother-in-law injections? Would you explain in detail how would you go about giving them and exactly what part of the procedure would turn you on most?

Many years ago I was asked by my Mother-in-Law on occasion when she knew I was going to drive to see her in another city, I was asked to give her injections that she normally received at the doctors’ office and to provide her with everything she needed to be done to her after the injections were given. Knowing it was difficult for her to get out because she lived by herself, the doctor said it was OK once in a while for this to be done as long as he was informed by her calling into his office within a couple of days letting him know that the injections were provided. She needed to go see the doctor every so often and have her behind injected with one injection in each side of her behind. I guess it became a ritual of sorts because she demanded it be done by me in a very specific manner and I was to follow her exact instructions. I always had a feeling there was a part of her that truly enjoyed not only feeling as though she was in charge of the whole situation that was to come but that she looked forward to whatever pleasure it may have brought her. I guess knowing that someone she knew and loved deeply brought a pleasure of suffering such pain was easier on her than having a nurse provide injections. Of course, it turned me on as well just knowing what was about to follow. When the time was right and it was normally after dinner she said “I need you to prepare my hypodermic injections”. I would go into her clothes closet in her bedroom and find everything I needed in a shoebox on the floor. I would bring the shoebox into the living room, sit on the couch and begin to remove everything inside of the box. I began to prepare each of the two syringes in front of her filling up the painful medicine into the syringes and screw the long razor sharp needles onto the top of the syringes. Then I would place the caps on the tops of each of the needles. She would go into the bedroom after she watched me prepare the two hypodermic injections and I was to follow her with the filled syringes with a bottle of alcohol, several round cotton balls, and the empty bottles of medicine all placed on a silver tray. Standing in front of the tall dresser she placed both of her arms on the top then she began giving me the following instructions. I was told to take her nightgown and pull it up over her hips so that it would stay in position. Then pull down her panties just down to the bottom of her behind. Of course, it turned me on seeing her large behind that was about to be punctured with a large needle and a very painful medicine forced through the fat and deep into the muscle. Knowing the medicine would be pushing the blood around and expanding the muscle is what I knew would be hurting the most. She then asked me to give her a hard spanking six times with my bare hand on each side of her behind. Then I was told to pick up one of the cotton balls and fill it with alcohol. The room filed up with the pungent smell. I was to rub it across one side of the fattiest part of her the top right or left behind several times until the alcohol from the cotton began to dry. Then I was told to repeat the alcohol procedure again on the same side of her behind. Then she told me to pick up one of the syringes, uncap the cover of the needle. Then I was told to grab a hold of as much of her fat behind as possible and thrust the hypodermic into her fat. The needle penetrated the fat very easy until I hit the muscle which took an extra bit of force. Sometimes when I gave her the injection I did not go in deep enough so I’d have to tell her I’m going to have to put the needle in a little deeper. She didn’t like that too much because this caused her extra pain. After the needle was inside her fat behind up to the hub of the syringe so I couldn’t see the needle, she was say don’t touch the plunger until I tell you I’m ready. After about 20 or so seconds she told me to begin pressing the plunger. I squeezed the plunger very slowly so that I could cause her the least amount of pain possible. When the syringe was empty I was asked to keep it in her behind until she told me to take it out which was about 30 seconds later. I pulled it out quickly then placed another alcohol filled cotton ball on the spot I just injected and massaged her behind deeply for several minutes trying to move the medicine the muscle was just filled with so that afterwards it would hurt as little as possible. By this time, the opposite side of her behind needed another spanking and I repeated the whole procedure on the opposite side. When I was through with the second injection, she asked me to pull up her panties and she dropped her gown down. Then she always turned around gave me a big hug. Then she always lay down on her bed face down right after I injected her and asked me to pull up her gown, pull her panties down again and give her behind a deep massage for a while until she asked me to stop which was for about 15 minutes on both sides of her behind. Again she thanked me and asked me to pull her panties up then to pull her gown down and we both left the room. I didn’t say much to her through the whole procedure but I enjoyed every part of it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

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Date Posted: Thursday, February 02, 2017, 09:19: pm

I think that if I were to give injections to my m-in-l it would probably turn me on a great deal - as injections excite me in general and as I like my m-in-l's buttocks (I had a few occasions to see them partially undressed). I'm not sure if any particular part of the procedure could be defined as the most exciting to me, but I hope it would pay back for my embarrassment of a lot of pain and an exposure (at least partial) of my aroused genital area. I am pretty sure that she actually wanted to see both my pain and genitals, so she arranged to succeeded in both :) I know that she herself got injected a lot of penicillin and similar stuff in the past and she described it as very painful, so I would like to see (and hear) her when having such a burning and hurting thing pushed into her ass. I would be merciless :)

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

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Date Posted: Sunday, June 10, 2018, 06:07: pm

Was your Mother-in-Law's behind full of dimples with a great deal of fat that would have giggled when touching, rubbing, or placing the needle inside her massive behind or were they small and very smooth?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

sports fan
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Date Posted: Sunday, May 03, 2020, 11:47: pm

how did you get the injectibles, syringes and needles without a prescription? Are you qualified by your profession to give injections?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Mother-in-Law Injections

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Date Posted: Friday, May 22, 2020, 04:36: pm

My Mother-in-Law took care of getting everything needed from the doctor's office prior to me injecting her. She'd keep duplicates from each time she did go into the doctor so she could have me inject her when I was in the area.

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