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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Friday, January 05, 2018, 11:13: am
In reply to: Tommy A 's message, "Re: How Far Down?" on Monday, December 04, 2017, 03:01: pm

I was in the ER this morning with my boyfriend. We went fishing and I got a hook in my hand. I was surprised how easy it was for the doctor to remove it from my hand. It really did not hurt at all. He said all you need now is the tetanus shot and you will be on your way. My boyfriend said that goes in your bottom. More muscle and you arm will not be sore. When the nurse came back she said go ahead and lower your jeans and bend over. I unfastened them and barely pulled them down. Sorry got to have more cheek than that. She pulled them down to my thigh along with my panties. My boyfriend had his eyes on my bare butt which I soon forgot as she placed the needle in my butt and injected. Felt like a bee sting. As I slipped up my panties and shorts I made the comment well did you like what you saw. Absolutely he said as he squeezed my cheek. Looking forward to working it into your muscle when we get home.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, March 29, 2018, 09:07: am

I had to go get a tetanus shot for my new job. I went to the Med Fast near the office. I got there just as they were leaving for lunch. The male nurse gave me some paper work to fill out and told me to come back to the first room on the left. As I walked in I saw him attaching a needle to this small syringe. He told me to lie on my stomach on the exam table. He sand said look like that bee just stung you in your butt cheek. aid you can slide your sun dress up to your waist. I had worn my bubble bee panties which i barely pulled down. he grabbed them and slipped them down exposing all of my bottom. Its ben a long time since I got a needle in my ass. he took the alcohol swab and wiped it across my left cheek. Then he placed his hand firmly on my cheek, squeezed and poked me giving me the injection. Then he slowly worked into my muscle. He slowly pulled up my panties.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

ER Nurse
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Date Posted: Sunday, April 08, 2018, 09:06: am

Yesterday I got a 18 year old cheerleader who was being thrown up in the air breaking her and was dropped breaking her ankle. I took off her shoe an sock. Our policy is that everyone gets medicated for pain for fractures within 10 minutes. I gave her a motrin and when she came back I had her lie on her stomach with her leg up in the air so I could splint it. She said it was really hurting so the doctor ordered morphine and Zofran. I flipped up the bottoms of her cheer leader outfit. I told her she was getting one in each hip. She barely even exposed any of her bottom so I helped and pulled them down to mid thigh exposing her firm white bottom. She cried out as the first needle pierced her hip and I injected. I placed my hand on her other cheek and pinched and placed the last needle deep in her butt and injected. Her mom came in just as I was finishing with the splint. I had her sit up and fitted her for the crutches. She stood up and grabbed her bottom. You made my butt sore. The mom laughed. Funny mom. I just poked 2 shots in my butt. Oh honey remember how you laughed at me when I had to get that shot in my butt last month. carma is a bitch

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