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Date Posted: Sunday, June 24, 2018, 07:48: pm
Once, for a short period of a few weeks, me and my wife lived at a same flat with her mother. By a pure coincidence I had then one of my throat infections, which tend to happen to me once a few years. I am accustomed to get some injections than, usually quite painful, but in most cases I receive them from a nurse. This time the injections, 20 in total, twice a day, where particularly painful, but the first one was actually done by a nurse. It was arousing but hurt like fucking hell. Frankly speaking I still don't know how I was able to get to the car and drive a few kilometers home with dumb and sore buttock and upper leg. While back home, I complained about this to my m-in-l. She admitted she knows those where very painful shots and that it would have got worse and worse which each one. From word to word it was decided that she would do the shots so I wouldn't have to bother myself with painful driving to the doctor's office twice a day. For reasons known to herself, she clearly emphasized the painfulness of the injections and was clearly willing to "help". Sincerely, this discussion itself turned me on much.
The precise manner and circumstances of the injections varied. But I don't think it was accidental that during morning injections, when we were the only two persons at home, happened with my m-in-l wearing only short upper garment and panties exposing not only most of her own buttocks but even a bit of her pubic hair. Sometimes I saw her preparing injections, sometimes not, but she usually said something emphasizing the incoming pain. She also made numerous allusions to being receiving painful shots herself in the past and how much pain to her buttocks they delivered, including her crying and being unable to sit. I was usually laying on my belly, but sometimes I stood leaning against a table or sth. In most cases I didn't have on myself anything more but my tight underwear which I had to remove before injection, so while all this turned me on like hell, she clearly saw all the symptoms and consequences of my extreme excitement. Actually I did little to nothing to conceal them. I didn't cry, but I was near and of course I produced a lot of sounds and usually a bundle of curses, as it was really painful and the pain worsened with consecutive injections. In my opinion, she deliberately did it in a more painful way - the second injection was actually much more painful than the first done by the nurse in an opposite buttock. I am almost sure, that she made them always in the same or almost the same spot, too quickly and with the needle inserted to shallow, what caused more pain. When we were alone, after the injection was done she also massaged the injected buttock.
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