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Subject: Re: Nurses and those that give Injections.

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Date Posted: Friday, July 06, 2018, 10:23: am
In reply to: Don 's message, "Nurses and those that give Injections." on Wednesday, July 04, 2018, 01:01: am

1. Do you enjoy giving shots to older men or women or
younger people or children best?

I mostly enjoy to give to young (but adult, nom children) women.

2. When you give shots, do you find that some of your
patients enjoy the total experience?

Usually they don't, but on some very rare occasions it seemed to occur.

3. Do you find that giving shots provided you
personally, with a sexual response?

Depends on what one defines as "sexual response" ;)

4. With men or younger men, do you find that many of them
would begin to become erect by either
before, during, or after you gave them shots?

It happens, but definetely not to many but to avery small minority.

5. Do you enjoy giving shots into a tight or grossly fat
bubbly behind best?

Tight butts are nicer to inject.

6. If you found that a person was enjoying you prepare the
shot, did you prepare it front of them to help them get
sexual aroused even more?

No. That said I never actually hide the process of preparing the shot from the patient, nor i do it directly in front of his eyes. So it's up to the patient. Who wants to see it can see it, who doesn't want to see it won't see it.

7. Do you enjoy giving shots when the patient is either
laying over your lap, standing up, or on a table?

Laying over lap is unprofessional and not done. Standing and laying is both possible. I prefer to have the patient laying on the tummy.

8. After you give shots, how long do you massage them
behinds to help spread the medicine into the muscle?

Depends. From not at all for small low viscosity shots up to about 20s for larger injections.

9. Do you find that women or girls get as sexually aroused
just as men or boys?

It's in any case very rare that someone gets aroused by it... And I think propably yes, but girls don't have such an obvious sign for it ;)

10. As a nurse, and from this forum, do any or all of these
questions make you realize just how many people think
about shots but don’t necessarily discuss this subject
in public because they find it embarrassing?


11. Do you find that people who get sexually aroused by
shots statically either enjoy giving them or receiving

I don't know, but guess giving.

12. When you give shots, if you have a patient who you’re
not very happy with, do you "Show them" by pressing
down on the plunger as fast as you can to
to provide them with as much pain as possible?

No this would be unethical and unprofessional.

13. Do you enjoy pulling the patients underpants or panties
all the way down to the bottom of the buttock, or down
all the way to possibly their knees?

Usually to bottom of buttock. And yes in some cases the view you get then is enjoyable.

14. How do you best get the patient to relax their buttock
so that they will have the least amount of pain when you
thrust that long silver sharp needle into them

I tell them to do it. It's their own business if they obey that or suffer pain...

15. Why do you think getting a long sharp needle thrust
into a soft tissue behind that causes such pain when
the medicine is pushed into the muscle could possibly
become a sexually aroused response to such an

No idea for receiving end. For giving side it's seeing and touching the bare butt. Especially when it clenches in the moment the needle goes in.

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