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Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Friday, April 26, 2019, 05:46: pm
In reply to: Nurse 's message, "Brother and sister shots" on Thursday, February 06, 2014, 06:52: pm

Back in childhood when I was 6 and my sister was 10 we went to the local clinic where children aged 0 to 13 were being vaccinated. If u were aged 0 to 10 all butt injections were in the big reception room in front of other kids, my sister protested so 3 nurses held her, pulled her panties down and then lifted her school skirt up. She was begging and pleading for an arm shot butt no one seemed to care cause about 3 boys and 2 girls were getting butt shot at the same time. My sister was swabbed and instantly injected. I'll never forget her screams and cries of bloody murder clenching her buttcheeks tight lying on the bed, she was finished and got dressed and cursed mom with an evil look with tears in her eyes. Everyone knew in town that my sister was the person most afraid of a butt injection. Next it was me and nurses knew I used to kick so the 3 grabbed me, pulled my pants and underwear down to ankles
Nurse put me on her lap and my small bum was at her mercy. She swabbed and injected fast. My screams and cries pierced the big room. Pleaded with nurse, asking why does she hate and punish me same time. She just said be a big boy and stop crying in front of other kids. When she was done I quickly pulled up my pants and limped to my sister. We both comforted each other all the way to school in the car. When I entered class that morning limping with blood shot eyes everyone just knew I got a butt injection...

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[> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Friday, April 26, 2019, 06:19: pm

When my sister was 12 I accompanyed her and mom to doc office. I was grinning knowing I'm not the 1 getting a shot. We went in private room. Sister was led to bed, told to strip to panties, she protested about me in the room but mom said we always got naked in front of each other. She said she is grown nw but said I won't be there next time. Sister gave up and stripped, was checked and told to roll over on tummy for a shot. I saw my sister had grown boobs and when on tummy her butt was bigger so now her panties would ride up her buttcheeks. I'll never forget the sexiest thing when the doc pulled her tight gobbled up panties down to her butt crease, half her panties were still lodged in between her butt crack but doc didn't care he just continued. He injected her she clenched and screamed but no tears. Guess she was now a big girl. After seeing her natural wedgie playing doctor was never the same. In her room, 1st she always changed into a short skirt and then I'd tell her to push her panties deep up her buttcheeks for a natural wedgie, then make her lie on her bed on her tummy, before lifting her skirt up for a glorious site. I'd massage her buttcheeks for a while during our play sessions. Ahhh childhood memories that I'll never forget...

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