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Subject: Re: Tetanus

ER nurse
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Date Posted: Monday, April 22, 2013, 02:23: pm
In reply to: Jason RN 's message, "Re: Tetanus" on Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 09:06: am

I was working out a triage when this really cute girl came in with a rose thorn in her palm. I was able to remove it using a pair of forceps. I cleaned it and put a dressing on it. She was planting some plants when she got the thorn. The doctor told her he was going to give her a shot of rocephin and a Dt booster. I came back in a few moments with the two injections and closed the door. I said well the bad news is that your are going to have to lower your jeans. I said this could go in your arm , but since you have to get this one in your butt the Dt will actually hurt less there too. She stood up and slowly unfastened her jeans and turned around. She pushed down her jeans and then climbed up on the table and laid flat. Her red panties only covered the center portion of her butt. I pulled them down below her cheeks. Her firm butt was white as snow compared to the rest of her nicely tanned body. I squeezed her butt muscle on the left and darted her with the needle and gave her the Dt. I then pinched a handful of her right cheek and buried the 20g needle deep in her right hip making her yell out. Once she relaxed I proceeded to give her the injection making her squirm. I said I know this is uncomfortable expecially since you have a small hip. She looked over her shoulder and could se the small blood trail running down her white butt. I put bandaids on the two spots and helped her pull up her panties and jeans. She limped around the room hodling her butt saying wow that last shot had a kick to it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Tetanus

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Date Posted: Sunday, April 28, 2013, 10:59: pm

We went to Menard's and got a new lawn mower and got it back to my boyfriends house. We opened it and I sliced my finger on one of those big staples. I had to go and get four stitches. The doctor also told me I needed a tetanus shot. The nurse csme in and closed the door. She looked at my boyfriend and said do you want him to stay in the room. I told her yes. She said ok. I am going to give this injection in your butt. You need to pull down your short and bend over. I pulled them down a little and she said no and pulled them all the way down. I had on a thong so my entire bottom was totally exposed. My boyfriend was looking at my naked butt. he said those tight shorts you wear all the time are hiding those cute dimples in your butt. No warning she wiped a spot and stuck me in the butt making me flinch. How still or I will have to stick you again. She put a bandaid on the spot and left. It really did not hurt.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Tetanus

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Date Posted: Monday, April 29, 2013, 10:31: pm

My friend is a nurse and I had to get my tetanus updated for my new job. He told me he would get it for me if I wanted him too. I met him at his house last night and he had me sit down. He said are you ready for your shot. He told me to stand up and turn around. He said I am going to give it to you in your butt as it will hurt less. I unfastend my buckle and unsnapped my jeans and lowered them below my hips. He pulled down my flowery panties exposing my enire bottom. That is one fine butt you have as he wiped a spot. He pinched a handful of my butt muscle and then I felt the poke and sting as he injected. He squeezed my butt cheek a few times and then helped pull up my panties and jeans. Today I had no pain.

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