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Subject: Re: DTAP

Holly and Lyndsey
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Date Posted: Sunday, June 23, 2013, 10:10: pm
In reply to: Kristy and Beth 's message, "Re: DTAP" on Friday, June 21, 2013, 09:36: pm

We just got hired at six flags as life guards. We had to go get our physicals so we went to a urgent care center where a friend of mine works. We were placed in a room where our friend got our vital signs and told us he would go get the doctor. The doctor came in and did a quick physical on us both and signed our papers. Each of you needs Dt booster and the nurse will be in a few minutes. Don my friend brought two papers in for us to fill out. He came back in a few more minutes with two small syringes. He closed the door and told me and Holly this will make your arm ache a few days and highly suggested we get it in our backside. I slipped my shorts off as we both were still in our bathing suits and I laid on the bed and untied my bottoms. He flipped them down exposing my bare buns. He wiped a spot of my right cheek and pinched my muscle and put the needle in my butt and injected. he rubbed my butt a few moments telling me I had a cute bottom. He put a bandaid on the spot and helped me tie up my bottoms. Holly then took off her shorts and laid on the table and untied her bottoms and exposed her white butt. She had a really dark tan that stopped at her waist and picked up under her butt cheeks. She flinched as he put his hand on her left hip and poked her with the needle and injected. Afterwards he squeezed her muscle a few moments and then helped her tie up her bottoms. We told him he needed to come visit us at our job and he said he would.

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Date Posted: Friday, June 28, 2013, 12:30: pm

Myself and two friends were hired this week at a water park in Nashville. After of test swim and water rescue we were told to go to the air station where we filled out our paper work. We were all told we need to get our tetanus booster. We all asked to come back together which the nurse said that was fine. he filled three syringes and said who is first. I stood up and walked over to the table and pulled down my swim trunks. Holly and Dawn were surprised and laughed telling me I had a white butt. The girls watched as he uncapped the needle and put it in my butt. I told them that you will not have a sore arm and it hurts less. I stood up and pulled up my trunks. I looked at Dawn and said your turn girl. She came over to the table and hesitated and then pulled down her bikini bottom. She tensed up her firm butt cheeks and the nurse told her to relax. It was obvious she tanned nude becuase her butt was well tanned. The nurse pinched her butt muscle and put the needle in her butt and gave her the shot. She did not even realize it was over until the nurse told all done and was putting a bandaid on her butt. Wow! I never even felt the stick. Holly got up and came over was holding her arm. She said what the hell I've seen you bottoms and pulled down her bottoms. She had a nice tan that stopped at her waist and started again at the bottom of her butt cheeks. She also tensed up her butt muscles and the nurse squeezed her left butt cheek a few times and when she relaxed quickly put the needle in her butt and injected. Ouch! That was more than a bee sting. Dawn came over and slapped her bare butt and said you are such a big baby. We all laughed. One of our other friends is getting her shot on Monday and has asked us to go with her for morale support. I told her I would,but only if she got it in her butt.

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