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Subject: Re: Shot

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 18, 2013, 08:03: pm
In reply to: Rachael 's message, "Shot" on Thursday, June 13, 2013, 03:12: pm

I was in the ER today to get a splinter out of my finger and the nurse told me after he got it out I would need a tetanus shot. I filled out the form and he told me to turn around and bend over. He said I am going to give it to you in your hip. I was not thrilled at getting a shot in my butt at the age of 23, but I complied and pulled down my gym shorts exposinbg the top portion of my left butt. he said I am sorry and pulled them all th way down. Then he pulled down my panties exposing all of my bottom. You have a nerve that runs across your bottom and you do not want me to hit it. Then I felt the cold alcohol and a sharp pinch and he was pulling up my panties. All done? Really. That was not bad

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[> [> Subject: Re: Shot

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Date Posted: Sunday, August 25, 2013, 10:07: am

I took my girlffriend to the ER yesterday after she cut her leg on the freezer door at work. She had to get 5 stitches in the back of her calf. She was wearing a pair of short purpel shorts and she was laying on the bed and I could just barely she the bottoms of her cheeks. The nurse came in with two shots and told her she needed to give her two shots. She pulled down her purple shorts exposing her cute white butt. She pulled down her purple panties exposing her tight bare bottom. I watched as the nurse put a needle in each of her butt cheeks and gave her the shots each time making her scream out. She had two small blood trails running down her buns and the nurse told me to rub her butt a few moments to help work the medication into her muscle. I grabbed both of her bare buns and massaged and rubbed them for a while before pulling up her panties and shorts and helping her off the table. I asked her if she enjoyed me rubbing her butt and she said yes. I told her she had a cute little butt and i was sorry she had to get the shots. Well I did not enjoy it , but I am glad you were there and yes you can give me another massage and she took off her shorts and panties and laid on my lap.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Shot

Shot RN
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Date Posted: Friday, August 30, 2013, 04:20: pm

I had this 22 year old blonde that presented to our clinic for her DTAP. She was the cutiest girl I have seen in a long time. She was wearing this short blue mini dress and sandals. She filled out the form. I looked at her and told her this is really going to make your arm sore as thin as you are. I think it would be better if you get this in your hip. She climbed up on the bed and laid on her stomach. She watched as I drew up the injection. I then pulled up her blue dress over her hips. She had on sheer pair of silk blue panties which I pulled down below her cheeks. I took my time rubbing her left butt with the alcohol pad. I then grabbed a handful of her butt cheek and darted her bottom and injected. Afterward I rubbed her butt and when I stopped she said keep on and while you are there rub my other side. I playfully swatted her on her bare butt and pulled up her panties and told her she needed to come by next month and get her flu shot. She opened her purse and took out her business card and said no call and you come over to my house and give it to me in private. Thanks for the shot and I said thank you for the oppurtunity to see you very cute bottom.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shot

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Date Posted: Monday, October 21, 2013, 04:14: pm

I went to see my doctor today because I needed to update my tetanus for my work. The male nurse placed me in the room and gave me a paper to fill out. He came back in a few minutes carying a small syringe and closed the door. he reviewed the form. I was wearing a long sleeve blue sweater, jeans and knee high boots. he told me to unfasten my jeans and turn around. I realized I was going to get the shot in my butt. he said this stings a lot less in a larger muscle. I pulled down my jeans a little and he said sorry as he tugged them down to mid thigh. He pulled down my panites baring my entire butt. he told me to lean over and I felt his hand on my butt and then I felt him dart me in the ass and inject. It really did not hurt and today I am here to say that was the most painless tetanus shot I have ever had.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Shot

Chasity and Kayla
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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 05:47: pm

I went to a urgent care clinic this morning becuae I had to get my tetanus booster. I was weighed and had my vitals taken. The male nurse handed me a form to complete. I was then placed in a room. He came in a few minutes latr carrying a small syringe. He said the choice is yours. You can have a sore arm for a few days or I can shoot you in the butt and it will not get a sore arm. I remember having a sore arm from my last tetanus. I leaned over the gurney and he pulled up my blue dress and pulled down my panties. He had me flex my left leg and then he pinhced my butt mucle and gave me the shot. Afterward he massaged the site a few times and pulled up my panties. This afternoon I have no pain. Kayla watched as he gave me the shot. She told him that she needed to lie down. She climbed up on the bed and laid flat. He pulled up her black dress above her hips and pushed her blonde hair to the side. Then he pulled down her red panties. As he wiped the alcohol acorss her left hip she tensed up her butt muscle. He grabbed a handful of her butt muscle and squeezed it telling her to relax and said on three , but put the needle in her butt on oneand injected. Afterwards as he placed a bandaid on her butt she said you told me on three. He patted her on her bare butt and pulled up her panties telling this way she did not tense up making the shot more painful. We both talked about how long it had been since we had gotten a shot inour bare bottoms.

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