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Subject: Re: How Many Felt The Needle Even before The Medicine Went In?

Jenny and Tammy
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Date Posted: Saturday, September 28, 2013, 10:17: pm
In reply to: Peyton 's message, "Re: How Many Felt The Needle Even before The Medicine Went In?" on Friday, September 13, 2013, 08:50: pm

We are room mates in college and we both came down with strep throat. We went to a doc in the box in town thinking we would get a script and be on our way. Well it didn't go that easy. The doctor came in and examined us. He said you both need a dose of penicillin and then you will be on your way and he walked out. Jenny said those things hurt so bad. I said what hurts. She then told me it was a shot given with a big needle and in your butt. A few minutes this male nurse comes in and he is carrying to syringes filled with a white medicine and closes the door. Jenny was sitting on the bed so the nurse told her to lie flat and roll over. She slipped down her shorts and he pulled down her panties. He wiped a spot on her left hip and uncapped the needle. It was huge. He squeezed her butt muscle and buries that needle all the way in her butt. She cried out and began to cry as he slowly injected it in her butt. When he pulled it our there was a small blood trail running down her hip. He then slowly masaged the area a few minutes until she said it felt better. he slipped up her panties and she got up and pulled up her shorts. I was sweaty and shaking as I got up on the table. He pulled down my gym shorts and panties. I immediately clinched my butt cheeks tight knowing any movement I was going to get poked. He squeezed my left hip and said you need to relax or this is going to hurt more. I felt the needle go in my butt and I screamed. it felt like he was filling my hip with glue. Afterward he rubbed my butt a good 5 minutes and helped me get my panties and shorts up. I hope I never get that medicine again. It sucked.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: How Many Felt The Needle Even before The Medicine Went In?

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Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014, 05:45: pm

I had to get a shot of rocephin for bronchitis yesterday and that was the worst shot I have ever had. I am 22 and I cried when I got that shot. My boyfriend explained to me that he was mixing it up with lidocaine to make it hurt less as I watched. I said that is a big needle. He told me it was a 20g because it had to go deep in my butt muscle.I unfastened my jeans and laid on the exam table. He pulled down my panties. I felt him swab my left cheek with the cold alcohol wipe. He said big stick as he stuck that needle in my rear. I screamed out in pain begging him to pull it out. Try to relax he said as he slowly gave me the shot. He pulled it out and I look at my hip and see a small trail of blood running down my hip. He wipes it off and then slowly rubs my bare butt. It hurt so bad a first , but then it began to feel some what better. My bottom is very tender today and he just gave me another wonderful massage on my tender butt. I can tell you I did feel the needle go in my bottom and it hurt like hell. He told me that I should be glad it was not an 18g which is even larger.

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