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Subject: Drunk girl

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Date Posted: Sunday, October 13, 2013, 01:05: pm

I was at a local club last night visiting a friend of mine who owns the club. There was this really hot chick to was really smashed a friend of his. He asked if I could give her a ride home. I told him I would. I drove her to her house and had to stop twice when she got sick. I told her I was a nurse and I had some medicine that would help calm her stomach. I escorted her into her house and she went to the bathroom once again. She came out and said I guess I need that stuff. She was lying on the couch on her side. I filled two syringes of zofran. I came over to her and said okay I need you to roll over and undo your jeans which she did. I pulled down her jeans below her tiny butt cheeks. I then pulled down her red panties. I took my time cleaning a spot on her left hip and then quickly buried the 20g 1.5 inch needle in her butt and injected making her scream out. Afterwards I pulled out the needle and massaged the area a few moments. I then placed my hand on her right cheek and gave her the second injection. Aterwards I placed bandaids on the spots and told her to call me back if she was not better in 8 hours. She did call me back and this time she was more awake. She met me at the door and let me in, I already the two syringes filled. She was wearing a long night shirt and when she laid on the couch I flipped it up exposing her cute butt. I removed both bandiads. Once again I put a needle in each butt cheek making her scream out. I replaced the bandaids and rubbed her naked buns for the next few minutes and she said don't stop if you like it. I am enjoying it.

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[> Subject: Re: Drunk girl

Kallie and Meredith
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Date Posted: Thursday, November 14, 2013, 10:31: am

We went out to celebrate our 21st birthday this past Saturday. Kallie's brother let us stay at his apartment so our parents would not see us drunk. We got back to his apartment at 2 in the morning. We woke him up trying to make something to eat. Kallie was in the bathroom getting sick. He knocked on the door and asked her if she needed something to help her stomach. He opened a drawer in the kitchen and took out 2 vials of medicine and drew one up in each syirnge. She came out of the bathroom and followed her into the spare bedroom. She lays across the bed. He pulls up her dress and pulls down her black panties. He pinches her left hip musckle and buries the first needle in her butt and injects. Then he gives her another injection in the right hip and pulls up her panties. She just lays there for a while. About an hour later I get queasy. He tells me I think you need some zofran too. I watch as he draws up two more shots. I go into the bedroom and lay across the bed. He pulls up my dress and pulls down my panties. I feel his hand firmy on left hip and then I feel him jab me with the needle and I flinch as he starts to inject. He massages my hip a few times. Then I feel him stick my other cheek. He tells me I have a cute bottom. It did help.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Drunk girl

Megan and Hollie
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Date Posted: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 03:14: pm

We both celebrated our 21st birthday this weekend. When we got back to our apartment Megan was not feeling well. Our neighbor across the hall is a nurse and I knocked on his door. He answered and said he would be right over. He came over and asked Megan if she had any drug allergies. He told her he could give her some zofran to keep her from vomiting. I was not feeling good seeing Megan vomit. He fills four syringes. We said you are going to give us a shot. He said if you are sick to your stomach you cant keep anything down this is the next best thing. Megan is lying face down on the bed. He flips up Megan dress aboce her hips. She has a thong on so all of her bottom is exposed. He wipes an area and then pokes her in the left hip and injects. Ouch! All done and then cleans an area on her right hip and does it again. You should be good for 6 hours he tells her. He then tells me to lie face down. I unfasten my jeans and push them down and lie flat. He pulls down my panties. I tense as he wipes a spot on my left hip. He squeezes a handful of my butt cheek and when I relax quickly pokes me and gives me the shot. He does the same thing on the right side. He tells us he will check back in six hours to see if we need another shot. Unfortunately we each got two more shots and were more with it this time, but we did enjoy having our bottoms rubbed afterwards. The shots were not that bad. I have had worse such as the penicillin shot. That hurts like hell

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Drunk girl

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Date Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2014, 04:16: pm

I went out with my friends from work on Friday and had a little too much to drink. My friend is a nurse and when I started to feel sick he said I have something that will take care of that for you. He drew up a small syringe of zofran. He told me to turn around. He said I have been admiring that cute blue and white thong you have on. He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down baring my bottom. he told me to bend myleft leg and then quickly gave me the shot. I did feel better in a half hour.

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