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Subject: Re: B12 Shots

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Date Posted: Friday, November 15, 2013, 12:41: pm
In reply to: Steve 's message, "Re: B12 Shots" on Friday, November 15, 2013, 11:43: am

Interestingly, although these offers usually persist for a week or more with several messages advertising them, the next Amazon offer did not include it. I did some Googling and the offer appears to come from a doctor's office, which also markets their services as wellness and weight loss. I hope I'm not appearing to advertise the offer if I post the URL for it; not sure, this might only work from my computer if the code is linked to a cookie or something. But it is still working as of now:

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[> [> Subject: Re: B12 Shots

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Date Posted: Monday, November 18, 2013, 05:52: pm

A new walk in facility opened in my area, so I stopped by and had a couple of questions one of which was if they gave B-12 shots, and learned that they don't. Surprised me.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: B12 Shots

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Date Posted: Tuesday, January 28, 2014, 06:46: pm

I saw my doctor today and got a shot I was not really expecting. I have been studying for the bar exam and I was really tired from lack of sleep. he said I will have th nurse give you a B12 injection which will boost your immune system. I am sitting on the gurney when this nurse comes in carrying a small syringe with a red medicine in it. He closes the door. He looks at me and tells me I am going to need to lie down and roll over. I ask him if he can give it to me in my arm and he says it would hurt to much. I laid flat and he pulled up my dress. He pulled down my hose and panties. He wipes a spot on my hip and pinches a handful of my butt muscle and darts the needle in my butt and injects. I jump when he sticks the needle in my butt and then I feel the sting as he injects. He rubbs my butt a few moments and put a bandaid on the site. I asked him to keep rubbing my hip as it is really stinging. He helps me get my hose and panties up and helps me up. I am holding my butt as I walk around in the room. You didn;'t tell me it was going to burn. I did not want to scare you. You owe me I told him. He said I am free tonight if you want dinner. All afternoon my bottom has been sore as I sit. After dinner I think I am going to ask for another massage.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: B12 Shots

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Date Posted: Monday, February 03, 2014, 07:37: pm

My boyfriend gave me my first B12 injection last night. He is a nurse and brought me a B12 injection after I told him I was feeling run down. I am in my second year of law school. We had gone out to dinner and when we came back we were enjoying a glass of wine and watching TV. he pulled across his lap and patted on my butt saying are you ready for the shot as he pulled up my dress above my waist. I looked over my shoulder and said in my butt. Yep that is where it goes as he pushed down my panties. He patted my bare left cheek and put the needle in my butt and injected making me jump. Afterwards he stroked my butt for a while before pulling up my panties. he said next month I will give you one in the cheek. I did notice today I seemed to have a lot more energy. It really did not hurt.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: B12 Shots

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 04, 2014, 01:31: pm

I got my first B12 injection this morning. MY boyfriend was with me in the room. The nurse came in carrying a samll syringe. He asked me if I wanted my boyfriend to stay or leave and I said he could stay. He said I need you to stand and bend over. I looked at my boyfriend and he smiled. I knew he was going to enjoy this. I tunred around and undid my jeans and barely lowered them. My jeans were pulled down past my hips and then my panties were lowered. I look over at my boyfriend who is admiring my bare bottom and then wham I feel the needle go in my butt and a slight sting as he injects. I stand up and rub my bare butt. he puts a bandaid on the site and I pull up my panties and jeans. My boyfriend asks me if it hurt and I said not really. The doctor tells my boyfriend next time you can give her the shot and hand me a script.

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