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Subject: Girlfriend gets 2 shots

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Date Posted: Sunday, December 08, 2013, 04:40: pm

I just started dating Julie a few weeks ago. We met through a mutual friend. She is 23 and a really beautiful blonde with long hair down to hair waist. She is an executive secretary. She called me this morning and asked me to come over. She was running a fever when I got there of 103.2. One look in her thrioat and I knew she had strept throat.I took her to the ER where I work and did a rapid strept. I spoke with my doctor and he said give her 1.2 million units of bicillin and 8mg of decadron. I got the medications and we left and went back to her apartment. I told her I would need to give her a couple of shots when we got home. She looked in the bag and saw the two syringes with the long needles. We got home and I explained that she would need to get one in each hip. Can't I just take pills. I told her she would feel better in the morning and that pills would take longer. When we got to to her apartment she watched as I screwed the medication on each tubex. I then drew up the decadron. Three shots you only said two. This one is to reduce the swelling. I suppose I get that one in my butt too? Okay lets get this done with. She went into her bedroom and slipped out of her boots. She then took off her jeans. She laid across her bed. She was wearing a very small pair of red panties which I pulled down to mid thigh. She looked over her shoulder and said do you like what you see? I told her she had a very cute bottom. I then uncapped the smaller syringe wiped an area on her right hip and quickly poked and injected making her jump. That stings. I then uncapped the first 18g needle and wiped a spot on her left hip and darted the needle up to the hub. She started begging me to pullout the needle as I slowly injected. She had tears in her eyes when I pulled out the needle. That really hurts she told me as I slowly massaged her left hip. I massaged it until she said it felt better. One more to go and then we are done.This time I smacked her right hip twice turning it red and then put the needle in her hip and slowly injected. Afterwards I just sat by her side stroking her bare bottom for the next hour or so. She got up and put on a long night shirt and came out and sat with me on the couch. Midway through the movie she laid across my lap and told me I could rub her back backside. She flinched as I started , but soon relaxed. Those shots really hurt. I told her I know, but that she would feel better by morning.I told her I would stop by in the morning to see how she was doing.

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[> Subject: Re: Girlfriend gets 2 shots

Rick RN
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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 12:35: pm

I started seeing another nurse that works in the ER with me and her name is Carli. She is 23 and is avid camper and runner. We have been going out for about three weeks and this past weekend we went camping. I was cutting up fire wood and she wanted to help. I was showing her how to split the wood. She was doing a great job , but did manage to cut her finger in the process. I got my first aid kit and cleaned her wound and applied some ointment and bandaid. I asked her about her tetanus and she said I probably need one. I told her I had some at the house and when we got home I could give her one. On Sunday evening when we got back to my apartment I reminded her that she needed a tetanus. I know. She was wearing a pepsi t-shirt, jean shorts and tennis shoes. She was standing at the counter and I came up from behind and unfastended her button and unzipped her jeans. I pushed the jeans down below her hips. She has on a very tiny pair of silk panties which I pulled down. She has a dark tan that stopped at her waist and started again under her butt cheeks. I cleaned a spot on her left hip and pinched her butt muscle and quickly inserted the needle and injected. Afterward I rubbed the spot a few moments and pulled up her panties and shorts. She said thank you. By the way you give a good shot. Thank you for the oppurtunity to admire you cute bottom. She patted it and said it won't be that last time.

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