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Subject: Poison Ivy

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 12:57: pm

I just moved into my new condo and this weekend I was working outside with my friend and I guess some how I came in contact with poison ivy. In the morning I woke up with whelps on my arms, chest and thighs. I called my boyfriend who is a ER nurse and he told me to stop by the ER. He put me in a room and I showed him my arms and chest. He asked if it was itching and I told him it was driving me crazy. He came back with three syringes and said this will help with the itching and then we are sending you home with a mederol dose pack. I got a shot of epi in my arm which was not bad. I was looking at the other two shots. He said Allison your a good friend. The two shots go in your butt. If you want another person to give them to you I will go get someone else. No. I prefer if I have to get them you do it. I told her to lie flat on the table. I unzipped her jeans and pulled them down and then her panties. He told me I had a cute bottom. I felt him place his hand on my right hip and then I felt him put the needle in my hip and inject. It stung really bad and he told me the steroids usually do. He massaged my hip for several minutes. Then he gave me the other shot in the left hip which was not as bad. After a few minutes he pulled up my panties and helped me up off the table. I told him when you get off in a few hours that he needed to come over. When he got there my itching was gone, I was a little drowsy. I was laying on the couch in a long t shirt. I flipped up my t shirt to show him my bare butt and said come on over and make it stop hurting. I hated to get those shots in my butt that day, but I would say it has formed a much closer relationship between us now. I told him from now on any time I need a shot that he would be the one giving it to me. I am 25 and that was the first time I ever had a steroid injection and I can tell you it burned liked hell.
PS The poison Ivy is Goneeee.

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