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Subject: Has Anyone Ever Gotten Tricked Into Getting A Shot Because Your Mom Pretended You Were Going Somewhere Else?

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Date Posted: Monday, April 28, 2014, 06:35: am

I was wondering if anyone ever was fooled into getting a shot because your mom told you you were going somewhere else?

When I was 10, my mom said shes was taking me for ice cream. I was real happy. Before I knew it we were pulling into the doctors parking lot and I said, why are we here? My mom said to me that I needed a gamma globulin shot because there was an outbreak of hepatitis at school. I immediately freaked out and started crying. The next thing I knew my mom grabbed me and led me into the doctors office.

What was worse was that I had to try and control myself because there was an entire waiting room packed with people. I knew if I sat there crying I would be embarrassed.

So I had to sit there in total fear until my name was called. After we got into the exam room I immediately began crying and begging not to get the shot.

I knew that nothing I did or say was going to stop the doctor from giving it to me and before I knew it I was laying with my pants down waiting for that horrid needle.

There's something about having your underwear pulled down that makes it even worse because you know exactly where that needle is going to go......

It was seriously one of the most painful shots I ever had and I wasn't ready for a shot that day. It seemed to last forever and the pain remained for days. My mom actually thought it was funny and she held me down so hard I couldn't move at all!!!!!!

Has anyone else experienced anything similar and at what point did you realize you were fooled?



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[> Subject: Re: Has Anyone Ever Gotten Tricked Into Getting A Shot Because Your Mom Pretended You Were Going Somewhere Else?

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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 09:02: am

Yes, growing up I had a similar experience of being taken to the doctor by surprise "because you might need some medicine" since there was an outbreak of hep at a local supermarket. I didn't know what to expect and the doctor we saw had several exam rooms so it was common for it to be a busy place and you usually saw some kid or teen looking sad. I got really upset when the nurse told me to remove my jeans and she pulled down my panties and took my temperature. I protested and asked why because I wasn't there for a physical. Then I learned that the medicine was a shot and that it was to be given in my butt, which caused me to tear up and cry. There I was lying on the table, 14 year old, and shaking as she removed thermom and stuck me. I was very sore after.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Has Anyone Ever Gotten Tricked Into Getting A Shot Because Your Mom Pretended You Were Going Somewhere Else?

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 08, 2014, 03:02: pm

Were you referring to a hepatitis outbreak?
Before anything was done especially if you'd not been a patient at the facility you relate here, you and your Mom should have been briefed on what was going to be done.(the protocol of exam/treatment).

It would seem unnecessary unless there were other factors that did in fact necessitate the obtaining of your temperature rectally, it probably could have been obtained by mouth. And being you were 14 (surely could hold a thermometer under your tongue)and no doubt a shock and embarrassment to you when it was taken rectally.
But if I understood your post you did get rectal temps during physicals. Were those too, upsetting for you?

As for the shot, if the doctor deemed it necessary and felt it so, the gluteal area was probably appropriate depending on your size, age and muscle mass. It has been shown that many medications given via the buttocks don't always get to the muscle which for this hepatitis shot was probably an IM shot that needed to be given.

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[> Subject: Re: Has Anyone Ever Gotten Tricked Into Getting A Shot Because Your Mom Pretended You Were Going Somewhere Else?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 06:50: pm

Not actually tricked, but see my post under "surprise shot".

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