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Subject: Worst Time Was Waiting For the Temperature Results Because It Could Mean A Shot

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Date Posted: Sunday, May 04, 2014, 04:40: am

My biggest fear as a kid was IF my mom felt I needed my temperature taken, was it going to lead to a shot? She would have me lay down on the bed as she prepared the thermometer. Soon, she would insert the cold glass thermometer and the wait would begin. I didn't mind the gooey vaseline but I did mind what it could lead to.

From the moment she decided to take my temperature I had to pray it would be normal. So my anxiety would rise from the mention of taking my temperature and continue to rise until after it was done. Sometimes my mother would have conversations with other family members as the thermometer was inside me. I'm sure she had no idea I was terrified the entire time. Eventually she would take it out and hold it up and read it. If it was above 98.6 she always said, "You do have a fever," "I'm going to call the doctor." Those words lead to INSTANT TERROR!

She didn't tell me what the fever was but I knew if the doctor was coming I would be getting a Penicillin shot. After she called the doctor I would begin to tell my mom that I didn't want a shot. My mom, trying to calm me would always play it down and say "I don't think you'll have to get one."

While that felt good for a second, I began thinking of every other time the doctor came and I ALWAYS wound up getting a shot. So my anxiety immediately came back full. I think i repeated my worry about getting a shot many times before the doctor arrived.

An hour or so later the doctor came and he would throw many friendly remarks and do the whole temperature process all over again. He was very old and he never stuck the thermometer in as gently as my mom did. Now my anxiety was ten times more because I was sure a shot was going to happen. After a few minutes the doctor would remove the thermometer and I would wait and listen.

Ultimately I would hear him say, "He does have a fever." "I am going to give him some medicine to be safe." Instantly my anxiety went off the scale and tears began to flow. I felt very alone during this time because I knew my mom would go along with the doctor.

The worst part now was, he would open his black bag and go into the kitchen with my mom and he would actually boil the needle. I had to lay there the entire time terrified waiting for the whole process of boiling the needle was over. I knew that at any time my mom and the doctor would walk in and I was going to feel a pain like no other.

As a young kid we aren't used to many pains and medical procedures and a shot was one of the most terrifying thoughts ever.

What made it worse was that my mom never related to how scared I was. Or, she purposely ignored it. She would smile and tell me it will be okay. So after 15 minutes or so they both walked in and my mom would start rolling my body over and pull my pants down. I was crying hard at this point saying I didn't want a shot.

My mother would comfort me with useless remarks like "I know honey. It will be over real fast." I would begin to kick my legs real fast and cry harder but my mom eventually held my legs down and I would feel the alcohol being rubbed on the side of my butt. It truly was a distgusting feeling being so helpless and having my legs held as well.

After the alcohol, my mom and the doctor would slowly count to three; And at 3, that needle WAS jammed deep into my butt. It was a pain of all pain. First the pain of the cold needle deep inside my muscle and then the endless burning of the medicine going in me. Here I was totally helpless with medicine slowly going inside me burning away like crazy.

Even when the needle was pulled out it hurt like crazy and I screamed even more. The doctor would say, "There all finished," which fell on deaf ears because I was in so much pain.

After that my mom pulled my pants back up and I layed there for several hours as my butt burned inside. I talked to no one.

This happened a lot through grade school up until 14 years old. It became my biggest fear all year long. And it all started with having my temperature taken. I don't think there was one time where I didn't have a fever. To this day it is my biggest fear in the world......

I had one other incident like this at 20 but that's another story......

Anyone else go through this kind of thing I'd love top hear about it. Email me at


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