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Subject: Cat bite

Nikki, Amber and Connie
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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 06, 2014, 02:51: pm

We all are Hooter girls going to college and we live together in a house. We recently picked up a stray kitten and brought it inside because it looked hungry and so cute. We had the cat in the house for four days and while playing with it we all three had bites to our fingers. Amber's bit got infected and she wound up in the ER. The doctor asked Amber about the cat shots. She told him it was a stray and it had no collar and it had run off. We live in Houston and there has been an increase in rabies. All three of us were told about the risk of rabies and the treatment. None of us were happy to hear that we would be getting a series of shots, but the other option of getting rabies was worse. We all got weighed since the rabies globulin is weight based. The male nurse came in with 9 large syringes and three small. We each got one shot in the arm. That was not bad. We were then told usually you will get half the doe in the bite site and the other in the butt. Since it is a digit it can not be given there. You all are getting 6.5 cc each so I have divided it up into three shots. If I were to give it to you in two shots one your butt would hurt really bad and you would have trouble walking and sitting. Amber went first. She laid on the table and pulled down her shorts and panties. We each held on of her hands. We watched as this really long needle was stuck in her butt making her scream out each time. Afterwards he wiped the spots and put bandaids on her cheeks and rubbed her bottom. Connie went next pulling down her shorts and panties. Again each time he put the needle in her butt it made her scream out and she was crying after the third shot. It was now my tunr and I was really scared having watched my friends get jabbed in their butt three times. I saw the needles. I pulled down my shorts and panties. I tried to be brave but when he stuck the first needle in my butt I started to cry. I cried even more with the second one. I begged not to get the last one but my friends said be a big girl and with that I felt him jab me the last time. Afterward we all hobbled around the room rubbing our butt cheeks.We have vowed never never to feed a stray cat again. It has been two days and all of our butts are still aching.

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[> Subject: Re: Cat bite

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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 07, 2014, 03:41: pm

If you only got the shots in your butt, and I'm sure there was pain along with them, as you say from your reactions and tears, you were at least not subject to the old Pasteur treatment where a regimen of injections were given with a thick serum, long needles your abdomen. A shot every day for at the time I got them, 21 days! You ladies were lucky! Many people would say the cure was worse than the disease. Obviously not true, but a brutal treatment none the less.

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