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Subject: Re: Surprise shot

Kelly Lynn
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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 04:26: pm
In reply to: Morgan 's message, "Re: Surprise shot" on Thursday, May 08, 2014, 04:48: pm

I am 18 and while I was getting my physcial for college I had to get two shots in my butt. I was told to get undressed and put on this gown which opened in the back. I had my physcial which included a gyn exam. Not any fun.I was told I had bronchitis too and that I would be getting some medication. I started to get dressed not knowing I was about to get 2 shots, when there was a knock on the door and there was this male nurse standing there with two shots. I had my back to him and I was butt naked. He came in closed the door and said sorry. I have two injections for you. He told me to lean over the bed. I was embarrased that I am leaning over the end of this bed with my naked butt fully exposed.I soon forgot that when he jabbed the first needle in my butt making me cry out. Holy shit that burns. That was rocephin a strong antibiotic for your bronchitis. Then I felt him jab my other hip but this time it did not hurt as bad. he pout two bandaids on my butt and left. I had a had time standing trying to get dressed because my left cheek was still burning. I tried not to limp out but I think everyone knew I got a shot because I was limping walking out.

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