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Subject: Real Advice #6: Racial Mixing

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 17:15:27 03/10/13 Sun
In reply to: Dr. Shn 's message, "Advice for White People" on 08:41:44 02/20/13 Wed

6) Don't marry or date someone outside of your race.
I realize, this is a controversial issue.
But you must realize:
Zionists are attempting to erase your ethnic identity.
And, they've been using media propaganda to desensitize public attitude.
In other words: They're indoctrinating your children into believing that "race is merely a social construct".

Now, realistically speaking:
There is no shortage whatsoever of partners to choose within your ethnic group.

This might seem offensive. But, why should it be?
Although there's nothing terrible about "mixed marriages"; it was more gradual just a few decades ago.
Now, it's more important than ever to become racially conscious.

You've been warned beforehand:
There's an organized effort by Zionists to genetically destroy Westerners.

In short:
They're trying to devolve humanity until all future generations possesses the same skin texture, eye color, and hair color.

These societies already exist throughout many regions in the world.

Please read the following disclaimer to anyone with biracial ancestry:
Supposing you're the son or daughter of a mixed couple;
IN NO WAY am I suggesting that your life should be ruined.
Nor should you feel any shame.
In other words: It's no big deal.
It's not the end-of-the-world.

This article merely pertains the current systematic attempt to ethnically cleanse Europeans.

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[> Subject: Real Advice #7 :Teach your children

Dr. Shn
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Date Posted: 18:06:18 03/10/13 Sun

I cannot emphasize enough; the importance of passing awareness to younger generations.

Don't allow Zionists to indoctrinate your kids.

They're fully aware that Children are highly impressionable.
This explains why they seek to control populations, from early development.

here's an excellent example:
According to Jewish logic;
The Irish should accept massive immigration.
But, if there's any public outcry;
Zionists can simply wait Eons until this threat passes onto death.
Future generations of Irish kids will already grow up in a nation amidst a classroom of multiculturalism.
if young Irish pupils were already born been reduced to a mere 5% of Ireland's population;
Irish kids will already gotten used to the idea.
(That's scary. Huh?)

This is precisely what Zionists are planning upon.

The same argument holds true with racial mixing.
It's no coincidence that Jews created a Hispanic majority in USA.
The reason is because (mainly speaking);
Latinos don't belong to any racial group.
So, they match the Zionist vision of a future World Order.
Also, are much less conscious of interracial dating.
Especially if they share the same Country of Origin.
(Ironically; Hispanics are a fiercely Nationalistic people).

But, even if White People choose not to marry outside their race;
the other ethnic groups will eventually increase their biracial numbers nonetheless.
This is exactly what the Zionists planned upon.
They realize that, in the future; they'll be few options remaining.
Luckily; these people will be absorbed into the greater Caucasian race.

I would like to give ACTUAL examples to demonstrate my point.

1) Bob from Danbury, Connecticut is currently dating a Hispanic immigrant.
(Let's add: His girlfriend has an extremely ethnic physical appearance.)
I spoke with Bob.
And, in his exact words,
"I'd rather date someone who's MORE LIKE ME."
"But, there's no one to choose from".
In other words:
He'd rather marry a white girl; but his community is overrun with Hispanic immigrants.

Here's anther example:
Michael from White Plains, New York; has just begun dating a Mexican woman.
And, his explanation was identical to Bob's.
"there's just nobody else to choose from, anymore".

Please note:
Both Michael and Bob were very clear in stating that, there's nothing wrong with being Hispanic. And, the girlfriends are nice ladies. But, they'd just prefer to be with a white lady.
However, this indicates why Zionists push for massive 3rd World Immigration.
They realize; it forces mixing & mingling.
(By Coincidence; Zionists propelled the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade for the exact same reason).
(They expected to create an entire subservient underclass.
and surely, any Jew living in the 17th Century would be utterly surprised to see ANY White people remaining in the 21st Century. They truly believed that millions of slaves would effectively breed the entire European settlements out-of-existence.)

This proposes a serious question:
WHY AREN'T Jews worried about forced assimilation with Immigrants?
The answer is simple:
They're presumably more RACIST than any other group.
So, Jewish supremacists expect to continue mingling with each other.
Ironically, this defies their entire pretense of Multiculturalism.
They've so-claimed to Combat against racism.
Yet, they anticipate being too racist to allow intermarriages between Jews & Gentile immigrants.

(That's another example of Twisted Jewish Logic).

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