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Date Posted: 18:14:12 08/22/13 Thu
Author: Jillian
Subject: Re: A Good Punishment Enema
In reply to: E. Mom 's message, "A Good Punishment Enema" on 18:38:20 07/15/13 Mon

I keep two bulb enemas in a drawer under the bathroom sink. One holds four ounces and the other holds eight. Punishment in my family consists of going across my lap while I sit on the toilet and getting an enema. I fill the bulb directly from the sink and empty it directly into the naughty girl's rear.

I always insert the nozzle into a girl's rear and then ask her if she'd rather have a spanking instead before squeezing the rubber bulb. I've never had a girl request a spanking yet. I try for eight to ten bulbs full, choosing whichever bulb will give as close to the girl's normal capacity as possible.

One warning - The girls would see my bulb douche syringe in the cupboard and I used to joke it was for when a girl was really naughty. My older girls knew what I really used it for and just accepted my warnings as a joke. Then I walked into the bathroom one day and found my eight year old standing in the bathtub with the douche syringe's pipe about half way up her butt! It turned out she thought the warnings were serious and she was afraid she'd get it used on her someday and was seeing if it would fit. Now I have a new douche syringe and the old one is in the drawer next to the enema syringes, waiting for a really naughty girl.

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  • Re: A Good Punishment Enema -- Jerry Contrary (EXCITED), 09:04:50 07/31/15 Fri
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