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Date Posted: 18:38:20 07/15/13 Mon
Author: E. Mom
Subject: A Good Punishment Enema

If you're looking for a good punishment enema recipe, fill a two quart pitcher with very hot water and swish a bar of Ivory soap in it enough to make the water just slightly milky with a little foam on the top.

But don't pour the pitcher into an enema bag. Instead, get an old bulb douche syringe, one you don't ever want to use for douching again, and give the enema with that. The long thick tube is perfect for punishment enemas. The first thing the naughty girl will feel is the rounded end of the pipe invading her rectum, forcing it open and sliding into her and then she'll feel the entire length of the long thick tube sliding deep into her rear.

The real "fun" starts when you squeeze the bulb and she feels six to eight ounces of hot soapy water squirting deep into her bowels. Feeling the long thick tube forcing itself inside her concentrates her attention on her rear and when you squeeze the bulb and force the hot enema water into her bowels, you are guaranteed to have her undivided attention.

If she's laying across your lap, hold her down with your left hand while your right hand squeezes the bulb. She's almost guaranteed to try to get away when the hot water invades and she'll try to jump right off your lap, but once you've squeezed two thirds of the bulb full into her, she's usually calmed down enough so you can use both hands to empty the bulb.

I usually give my daughters these punishment enemas laying across my lap in spanking position. In fact, I keep the paddle handy in case the girl has to be "persuaded" to cooperate. I put the girls way across my lap so their head is on the floor and their toes are dangling in the air. This positions their rectum so the nozzle is pointing downwards. Another great position is on her back with her legs in the air - the "diaper position". You can slide the tube in all the way and then tilt the rubber bulb upwards so you don't squeeze any air into her bowels, which will often make it almost impossible to poop the enema out. I keep the paddle handy here, too, to assure cooperation.

How much to give depends on the girl, her age and other factors, but if you don't put too much Ivory in the water, she should be able to take as much as she can take from a regular for-health-only bag enema. My 14 year old is kind of small and can only take a little over a quart and a half comfortably, but her 16 year old sister can easily empty the two quart bag.

I use an old douche bulb that holds eight ounces. If you give the girl a bulb full and then remove it and squeeze the remainder into a measuring cup, you can figure out how much of an enema the girl is getting with a typical squeeze. I typically find two ounces in the measuring cup, so it's six ounces per bulb full. Figure six bulb fulls for a one quart enema and a dozen bulb fulls for two quarts.

I usually let the naughty girl poop the first enema right into the toilet without waiting - if you put too much soap in the water, there won't be much choice anyway. If you use clear water for the second enema, she should be able to hold it just as long as a regular health enema - five or ten minutes, whatever is normal for her.

If the two of you have a lot of experience with enemas, you can put the paddle to work while she's holding it. She has to be comfortable holding large enemas, though, or there will be "leakage" problems. A butt plug might be useful here, but I've never tried one.

If you spank her while she's holding the enema, you're finished as soon as she sits on the toilet and you can leave, telling her to clean up the equipment when she's done. If you can't spank her while she's holding, then it's best to give her a good hard paddling when she's finished pooping, then tell her to clean up the equipment.

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