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HR size=1 noshade> [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ]

Date Posted: 18:18:32 04/25/02 Thu
Author: maggie
Subject: hey yo, 1-59 of the last thing we got in class...

1. london conference- 1933, revealed how roosevelt’s roreign policy was intertwined with domestic recovery. Was an attack on global depression.
2. recognition of the soviet union- 1933. sixteen years after they began the ussr. Formally recognized.
3. good neighbor policy- under fdr accented consultation and nonintervention
4. reciprocal trade agreement- to life American export trade from the depression. Avoided wholesale tariff revision. Passed in 1934, it was landmark legislation- broke traditional high-tariff policies.
5. Johnson debt default act- 1934. congress passed the Johnson debt default act- prevented debt dodging nations from borrowing further in the u.s.
6. neutrality acts- 1935, 1936 and 1937. stated when president declared the existence of a foreign war certain restrictions would go automatically into effect.
7. quarantine speech- 1937 given by Roosevelt in Chicago
8. Spanish civil war- 1936-1939. was bad for neutrality-by-legislation. U.S. remained neutral.
9. munich pact- “munich” means appeasement in german. Was in 1938. germany got sventenland to keep peace.
10. non aggression pact- Hitler v. stalin. Made a pact to work together against u.s. held up for almost two years until Hitler broke it and fought against the Russians.
11. cash and carry- from neutrality act of 1939. European democracies could buy American war products but had to ship it themselves.
12. lend lease- numbered bill 1776, was “an act to further promote the defense of the united states” concept was to send guns, not sons, overseas would send a limitless supply of arms overseas.
13. destroyer for bases deal- under FDR. We gave destroyers to England and the allies before we entered WWII so we would have access to bases overseas. [my dadoo helped me out with this one.]
14. atlantic charter- 8 points. Formally accepted by Roosevelt and Churchill and endorsed by the ussr. Outlined the aspirations of the democracies for a better world at war’s end. Supported self-determination.
15. korematusu v. U.S.- 1944. wartime supreme court upheld the Japanese relocation that occurred during the war. Wasn’t until 1988 that the u.s. government officially apologized for its actions.
16. war production bd. Snapped u.s. economy into attention. Pulled forth 40 million bullets, 300,000 aircraft, 76,000 ships, 86,000 tanks and 2.6 million machine guns. Halted manufacturing of non-essential items.
17. office of price administration- with their extensive regulations they brought the high inflationary prices under control. Rationing occurred this time around.
18. war labor bd.- imposed ceiling on wage increases to guard against all the u.s. inflationary methods successful.
19. smith-connally act- 1943. anti-strike act passed by congress authorizing the federal government to seize and operate tied-up industries, strike against federal government operated businesses were declared illegal.
20. waacs/waves/spars- waacs-army waves- navy spars- coast guard. Were women’s divisions of war forces. 216,000 women were recruited by the armed services for WWII.
21. FEPC- fair employment practices commission. FDR created to stop discrimination in defense industries.
22. CORE.NAACP- congress of racial equality. National association for the advancement of colored people. 2 big organizations for racial equality.
23. economic effect of WWII- pulled country out of depression. Gross national product doubled from 1940-45. debt also greatly skyrocketed- 49 billion in 1941 to 259 billion in 1945.
24. office of scientific research and development- channeled millions into university based scientific research establishing a partnership between government and schools.
25. coral sea/midway- 1942. crucial naval battle- u.s and Australian forces inflected heavy losses on the Nipponese. Midway was another huge u.s. aircraft success- we bombed the shit outta them.
26. island hopping/leapfrogging- the u.s. navy’s jumping around of the Japanese islands. Would jump from island to island, capturing the small and bombing the big from there.
27. population shifts in the u.s.- back to the suburbs, major exiting of cities.
28. battle of the atlantic- spring 1943. turned around- allies clearly now had upper-hand against the german u-boats.
29. d-day- june 6, 1944. 4600 vessels invaded was v. bloody though several beaches were taken. Air over france was already controlled by the u.s.
30. employment act of 1946- made it government policy to “promote maximum employment, production and purchasing power” created the council of economic powers.
31. g.i. bill- serviceman’s readjustment act of 1944. made generous provisions for sending former soldiers to school.
32. Levittown- made by george Levittown, strictly controlled housing with millions moving into suburban housing developments.
33. sunbelt- loose geographical concept for greatly increasing populations of many states in the southern area after WWII.
34. baby boom- great increase in population. By the end of the 1950’s more than 50 million babies were born.
35. white flight- moving to the green suburbs from the inner cities. Left inner cities black, brown and broke
36. yalta conference- 1945. big three met on the black sea. Decided to fashion a UN Russia agree to go to war against Japan
37. Bretton Woods/ IMF/World Bank- 1947 bretton woods new Hampshire established the international monetary fund and founded the world bank to promote economic growth in war ravaged and underdeveloped areas.
38. berlin blockade/airlife- Russians abruptly choked off all rail and highway access to berlin to starve out the allies. 1948.
39. george kennan- a brilliant young diplomat and soviet specialist- creator of the containment doctrine. Held that Russia, whether xzarist or communist, was relentlessly expansionary.
40. Truman doctrine- march 12, 1947. Truman went before congress and requested support. Asked for $400 million to bolster Greece and turkey.
41. NATO- north atlantic treaty organization. 1952 had 14 members. Wanted to have a joint-army built up for defensive purposes.
42. senator joseph mccarthy- a Wisconsin republican, charged that there were scores of known communists in the department of state.
43. house committee onun-american activites- established in 1938, investigated subversion
44. mccarran internal securities act- 1950, veoted by Truman, authorized the president to arrest and detain any suspicious persons during an international security emergency.
45. dixiecrats- embittered southern democrats, avid anti-trumanites
46. fair deal- 1949. Truman message to congress. Called for badly needed housing, full employment, a higher minimum wage, better farm price supports, new TVA’s and an extension of social security.
47. Korean war background/outcome- korea divided in half. Major problems with Russia/u.s. fighting.
48. mccarthyism- anti-redism. V. big to-do. Was on tv for all the trials…a modern day witchunt for communism.
49. brown v. board of ed.- may 1954. justices ruled that segregation in the public schools was inherently unequal and thus unconstitutional.
50. little rock- Arkansas. National guard had to be sent out to escort black students into the high school. Was enforced integration.
51. civil rights bill of 1957- set up a permanent civil rights commission to investigate violations of civil rights and authorized federal injunctions to protect voting rights.
52. SCLC/SNCC- southern Christian leadership conference/ student non-violent coordinating committee
53. sit ins- peaceful rallies for racial equality. Occurred throughout the south, drawing thousands to them.
54. Eisenhower doctrine- approved by congress in 1957. formally empowered the president to extend economic and military aid to the nations of the middle east
55. national defense highway act- a Truman organization, used tons of $ to finance highways
56. containment- of communism- said it was negative and immoral.
57. roll back- secretary of state dulles promised not merely to stem communism but to get rid of its effects as well
58. SEATO- southeast asia treaty organization- 8 members, was put together in 1954 and was a pale imitation of nato
59. Geneva accords- Vietnam. Ends French involment in Vietnam and divides it into two countries. People were allowed to move freely and in 1956 free elections were supposed to be held to reunite the country. South Vietnam and the U.S. never signed it.

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