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Date Posted: 03:06:11 04/25/02 Thu
Author: magda
Subject: next twenty from 25-28

298. social darwinish- survival of the fittest.

299. chautaugua movement- launched 1874 on shores of lakechautaugua organizers had great success with public lectures, was for public schooling and education for the masses.

300. views of booker t. washington- wanted blacks to gain self-respect and merit a position of economical equality with whites but didn't believe in social equality.

301. views of w.e.b. du bois- was a snob of sorts. believed people like booker t. washington to be condemning their race to inequality. thought blacks should have the same rights as whites.

302. morill act of 186- provided a generous grant to fht epublic lands to the states for support of education.

303. joseph pulitzer- huges newspaper man, had "yellow journalism" his paper was the new york world.

304. william randolph hearst- pulitzers competitor. had been expelled from harvard for a prank. built up the san francisco examiner with his fathers' millions.

305. henry george- a journalist, an original thinker, wrote progress and poverty said a single 100% tax on windfair protifts would eliminate unfair inequalitites and stimulate economic growth.

306. edward bellamy- journalist- reformer. 1888. published looking backward. was a socialist and very popular after his novel.

307. horatio alger- "holy horatio" puritan reared new englander. 1866 forsook the pulpit for the pen. wrote over 100 volumes of juvenile fiction, sold over 100 million copies.

308. comstock laws- 1873 federal status- against immoral or crude pictures, films, movies, etc, v. moraled

309. WCTU- woman's christian temperence union. was opposed to alcohol, favored women's suffrage.

310. sand creek massacre- colorado, 1864, colonel j.m. chivington's militia massacred about 400 indians who thought they had been promised immunity. the people were mutilated, tortured, scalped, treated v. horribly.

311. chief joseph-" i will fight no more forever" chief of the nez perce indians. he undertook a retreat 1500 miles to canada, was cornered 30 miles from saftey.

312. helen hunt jackson- author of a century of dishonor 1891 called attention to the record of the governments bad treatment of the indians. drew great attention to the issue.

313. wounded knee- 1890. about 290 indians, doing the sun dance that had been outlawed by the gov. were massacred by soldiers.

314. homestead act of 1862- a settler can acquire as much as 160 acres of land by living on it 5 years, improving it, and paying a fee. land can also be acquired after 6 months by living on it,paying $1.25 an acre. only 1/3rd of homesteaders succeeded.

315. dawes act- 1887. dissolved tribes' rights as legal entities, wiped out tribal owndership of land and set up individual fammily heads with 160 acres that could be theirs "if they behaved"

316. comstock lode- a fantastic amount of gold and silver- worth more than $340 million- was found in nevada and mined from 1860 to 1890.

317. changes in mining- big business came into mining. a gold differ turned to instructing machinery as big machines were brought into do extensive work.

318. joseph glidden- 1874. invented a superior type of barbed wire and in 1883 his company was turning out 600 miles of the stuff a day.

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