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Subject: A list of Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 00:01:29 09/21/18 Fri

Let us now begin a primary thread focusing on the countless excuses.

Before we get started;
keep in mind that pro-migration forces will use any reason imaginable.
As Nick Griffin said it best... "I've heard EVERY exuse".

Also note that they're NOT really pushing for mass immigration for any of the reasons which they so-claim.

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[> Subject: "It's required for Economic Growth"

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Date Posted: 01:47:40 09/21/18 Fri

The obvious favorite issue of pro-migration forces is claiming that "IT HELPS OUR ECONOMY".

After dealing with the issue of immigration for decades,
THIS IDEA has been referenced more than any other.

People always tell us that massive immigration is necessary to boost our economic prosperity.

Oddly though, this attitude wasn't being expressed during various economic booms.
Instead, people claimed there was a "labor shortage" and we needed extra workers to fuel the current economic boom.
This is all part of the constant FLIM-FLAM.
But, we'll get into that much later.

Here's the simple reality:
Mass Immigration Forces are telling us that we're incapable of taking care of ourselves.
We cannot sustain our own economy.
and we need foreigners to do it for us.
that's basically what they're saying.

Please remember: This logic is only being used toward certain countries.
So, you're telling US that we "need" immigrants to fuel our economy.
But apparently, this rule does NOT apply to the other 140 nations around the world.
China, Nigeria, India, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Viet Nam, Iran,
These countries DON'T need immigrants to boost their economy, but we do ????????

IN FACT, immigration does NOT help the economy.
All evidence proves again-and-again that immigration leads to depressed wages.
It destroys the middle class,
it diminishes the working class.
More people are forced to compete for jobs.
and it creates a massive instability in our economy.

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[> Subject: "There's a Labor Shortage"

Seth Shannon
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Date Posted: 00:08:36 09/22/18 Sat

Let's first introduce a message which will appear throughout this forum.
Be aware of the numerous contradictions given by all those who push for massive immigration.

....and This is one such example:

They'll tell us that mass immigration is needed in order to kick-start our economy.

But, they use a completely different argument during an economic boom.
"We've gotta bring-in more immigrants because there's not enough workers to fuel our growth".

How many times have these "Globalists" contradicted themselves.

I remember during the GW Bush administration.
In 2003,
There was outcry from the American People to address the issue of mass immigration.
But, we were told that nothing could be done until the boom ended.
Right now, there's a Labor Shortage .
and, it's not really costing us our jobs.

So, we'll need to wait a few years to address the issue.

BUT, during the Great Recession;
the Globalists suddenly said that "we need immigrants to save us from economic collapse".


By the way:
This was ANOTHER example where no valid statistics were given to substantiate their claims.

So, when stating that immigrants were needed to boost our failing economy;
there had been NO decline in immigration whatsoever.
So, their statements were false (as usual).

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[> Subject: Re: "They're hard workers !"

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Date Posted: 16:33:11 09/29/18 Sat

When promoting mass-migration;

A common argument we hear is that "immigrants work hard!"
"They're all good workers !"

So, according to their logic...
anyone who's willing to work hard can freely enter into a Western nation.

Hell! Why stop there ????
Since it's really impossible to know whether or not some foreigner is a 'hard worker'...
...So, why not just let them all in?
Open the floodgates, and later-on you'll find-out whether or not they're "good workers".

Just observe the problems with mass-immigration into Europe.
They often come merely to collect entitlement programs.
These economic migrants even bypass moderate countries and choose to enter more generous ones.
In other words: They settle into Western nations with the largest Welfare State.
Thus, very few of these freeloaders 'work hard'.

In the end; Here's a simple response to claims that "immigrants work hard".

Well, guess what? We all work hard.
and there's no reason why infinite numbers should be allowed entrance simply based upon this claim.

Oddly, "Globalists" such as Michael Bloomberg has stated that illegal aliens are good workers.
And, this is why they should be allowed to stay permanently (along with all future migrations).
But, he doesn't use this logic when protecting his ethnic interests.
"Free Migration" and "open Borders" doesn't apply to his own people.

In other words;
He DOESN'T believe that Mexicans should be allowed to settle into Jewish communities.
.....no matter how hard they work !!!

But, these Elitists believe they can dictate OUR immigration policies by this standard.

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[> Subject: ..."They're Patriotic"

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Date Posted: 20:50:18 10/03/18 Wed

We commonly hear people say that "immigrants are Patriotic".
They're loving of country and they're pro-American.

Ironically, there's some degree of truth to this.
Or, at least, this was true at some time in the past.

Nowadays, Immigrant Patriotism is less true.
and more & more immigrants are identifying with their home countries.

But I won't address that point here.
Instead, it's true that immigrants in the 1970's were anxious to become American.

but, here's the problem:
Global Elitists intend to destroy all nations altogether.
So, how could the possibly use patriotism as a reason for bringing immigrants in?

The George Soros Crowd is NOT Patriotic.
And that's NOT their ultimate goal.

Plus, this issue no longer applies anyhow.
Migrants are becoming less & less patriotic.
and they're identifying more & more with their own ethnic interests.

End of case.


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[> Subject: "It's the LAW"

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Date Posted: 01:03:47 10/13/18 Sat

If you argue the immigration debate on a regular basis;
once in a while, they'll argue that refugee resettlement is legally binding.

So, if laws were passed without public consent; we must follow them for that simple reason.

In other words: we don't have a choice.
We must follow "The Law".

By the way; this is a typical game played by the Far Left.
They infiltrate powerful roles within the government.
And, subsequently use their powers to impose these rules.

This is why fake Liberals often us the argument that we MUST comply with open-immigration policies.
...Or, face punishment.

In a sense; they're partially correct.
Just as a communist government dictates political authority.

So, according to 'Liberal Logic'; they could require citizens to bring 'refugees' into our homes.
and, if such legislation is passed, then "The Law is The Law".
Oddly, Liberals are supposed to challenge the system. And they encourage protests.
But, these rules don't apply to the opposition.

Part 2:
You might recall nations such as Poland challenging the Status Quo on immigration.
While many of their opponents claimed that "Poland was violating international refugee law".
This is completely meaningless.
How does "international law" only apply to Europe?
and, why should we comply with laws created by Zionists who've infiltrated the U.N.?
and, how do countries such as Israel escape these policies?
....let alone, the other 150 countries who don't take any fake refugees.

Part 3:
Let's not forget that globalists deliberately instigate wars; along with its aftermath.
They're deliberately framing conditions with this goal in mind.
The planned result is an exodus of refugees flooding into Western nations.

Part 4:
Aside from this issue; these tactics have been used by the Far Left many, many times.
They're always trying to turn their ideas into law.
It must then be followed OR face legal consequences.
They've done this before, but for different reasons.

It's almost as though fake Liberals know that governments can force populations to do anything.
Therefore, if you pass laws which require conformity, we're forced to comply with anything imaginable.

So, in the end: We've gotta follow your rules, because "it's the Law".
That's the logic which you're trying to convey.


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[> Subject: "They're just searching for a better Life"

shannon MRM
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Date Posted: 09:26:18 10/20/18 Sat

We often hear people showing sympathy for migrants entering USA. (...or entering Europe)
Offering a basic explanation, "they're just searching for a better life".

SO, you believe that ANY person who wants a better life can just freely come here?
....Hmmmm. I would imagine that 95% of the World's population would qualify for that.

and, I didn't know that it's OUR job to accept anyone who's looking for a better life.

Part 2:

Here's a response to anyone making these claims:
believe it or not, I agree with you !!!

We've stated all along that immigrants have NO loyalty to their newfound country.
They're just coming for their own economic benefits.
It has nothing to do with being friendly toward the host populations.

Part 3:

In further chapters, we can explain how migrants use the system merely to their own benefit.
They siphon funds to their families back home.
Meaning, they'd rather help their own economies rather than ours.
They prefer working "under the table"; although that's becoming more difficult to do.

Migrants often work full-time while their wives pretend to need government assistance.
They don't really seem to care about our economy. Or our well-being.
Migrants often have loyalty toward the country where they originate.

Part 4:

In the end: We're ALL searching for a better life.
Why do you only care about migrants who wanna improve their condition?
Once again, Globalists ONLY care about the best interests of migrants.
It's a typical obsession with they alone.


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