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Subject: OBEY

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Date Posted: 11:00:59 10/25/18 Thu

Let's explain clearly the clear goals of planned mass-migration.

They believe that positively NO limitations should be placed upon immigration whatsoever.
If you accept One Million, they'll send Two Million more.

And once the latest wave of "refugees" arrive; they'll already be planning the next crisis.

Also, even if you met their every demand; they'll just create different set of rules.
You can't possibly make these people happy.

Globalists have been dictating our policies non-stop for several generations.
And, people have blindly accepted everything.
But, this hasn't accomplished anything whatsoever.
They still call you "racist".
So, you've been pandering to these groups for a lifetime.
But they're never satisfied.
SO, why bother trying to make these people happy?
They're still gonna hate you.

Part 2:
So, you'd better do everything they say; or else, they'll call you 'racist'.
You'd better accept 1 Billion 'refugees' without even questioning the motivation.
But, even if you blindly accept things; this won't prevent them from ostracizing you.

This implies that you cannot be redeemed from original sin.
You could prove your 'innocence' before the high courts, but you're still guilty as charged.

So, don't even bother trying.

You MUST understand that pandering to Special-Interest groups will never accomplish anything.
There's only one option remaining: You've gotta stand up to them.

With our Men's Movement; we pleaded with everyone to challenge authority.
For several decades; The Feminized Media were constantly making demands.
And we just kept giving them whatever they wanted.
First, one "Woman's Talk Show". then, many.
and, after decades of pandering to women; the "Activists" are still angry.
So, this was all a big waste of time.
BUT now, the same comparisons can be made with modern Globalist immigration policies.

Half of all Whites support this environment of self-hating Critical Theory.
But, it hasn't won any approval whatsoever.
Pander to Special Interest groups non-stop, and you're still called a "White Supremist".

So, don't bow-down to these people.


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[> Subject: Obey: "Because it's OUR responsibility"

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Date Posted: 02:37:49 10/27/18 Sat

People constantly shame us into accepting refugees.
It's mostly fake.
But, let's suppose there are legitimate cases of persecutions throughout the world.

Why is it our responsibility to bring refuge to these populations?

For example:
A 19 year-old Kurdish sex-slave fled into Germany, and applied for asylum.
Ashwaq Haji was constantly gang-raped by ISIS members.

This is a legitimate example of a terrible crime.
But, it still doesn't explain why Europe should be obligated to accept them.

In this case, Haji was also allowed to bring her mother and brother into Germany.
Ironically, she encountered two of her attackers while in a German town called Schwaebisch Gmuend.

part 2:
Even if there's any legitimacy to cases of human suffering;
it can still be solved using methods other than mass-migration.
The U.N. could employ a peace-keeping force in order to bring stability to the region.
But, insuring peace doesn't seem to be their real goal.
The so-called Globalists want to create wars along with subsequent forced migrations.

Conspiracy Theorists have long used the term to describe these events:
It's called a "Manufactured Crisis".

part 3:
Let's face it.
They want Geo-political instability.
While removing any chances of peace & civility.

AND, whenever there's a crisis anywhere in the world:
It's always seen as Europe's problem,
and Europe's responsibility.

Often, neighboring countries refuse to help.
While distant Western nations are expected to accept them.
It seems grossly unfair and deliberately guided by Anti-White advocacy groups.

part 4:
You'll notice that helping others has become an obligation.
And, it always involves human transport.
We never simply give humanitarian aid; such as food & water.
The Globalists see immigration as the only answer.

Anytime there's a crisis around the world:
It's always seen as Europe's problem,
...and Europe's responsibility.


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