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Date Posted: 20:37:48 09/30/18 Sun
When pushing for mass-immigration; the Open-Borders forces give any reason imaginable.
One outlandish example is the claim that we need inventors; ....and foreigners are always the best innovators.
You've probably seen specific examples of revolutionary "new ideas" created by such brilliant Minds.
....."Google was created by a refugee".
....."Yahoo was created by an immigrant".
..."and, ....the Samsung Galaxy".
You'll first notice that various creations (such as Google and Yahoo) are NOT inventions.
And, there's nothing groundbreaking about them whatsoever.
Once the Internet was created, it was inevitable that we'd have things like this.
and quite frankly; our lives would be better-off without mega-Corporations such as Google & Yahoo.
The World Wide Web was created to freely exchange ideas.
But instead; a few giant corporations account for 80% of all traffic.
Companies such as Google & Yahoo were partially (not Wholly) created by American workers, teams of designers,
engineers, ...and immigrants.
It WASN'T just immigrants alone.
You'll notice that mainstream Media attempts to give ALL credit to them; while ignoring the entire staff.
and, as stated before; these corporations did not break new ground.
Yahoo has corrupted the news industry.
and Google has virtually monopolized the internet.
Also notice: the Google Search-engine was so simplistic because its authors didn't even have basic HTML skills.
The Samsung Galaxy wasn't an invention.
It's an excellent name-brand. But, not a revolutionary advancement.
Once Computers were given Operating Systems; it was inevitable that they'd eventually become palm-sized.
And, the Android Operating System is based upon IBM's Linux open-source. It can be used with any device.
ALSO, needless to say; we import Samsung from Korea.
Thus, it wasn't necessary to bring their populations or headquarters here.
Their Corporation functions efficiently in Korea. And, we're able to import their products.
Therefore, your pro-migration rhetoric doesn't hold water.
"The Search-Engine was invented by an 'immigrant'."
Actually, Google did not invent the Search engine.
And, if you observe our Voy-Links project; you'll learn there were over a dozen excellent rivals which are now defunct.
Oddly, many African-American inventions are listed on websites which celebrate the 'accomplishments' of immigrants.
SO, it's now assumed that since you're trying to categorize all Blacks as "refugees"; this is just a code-word for NON-WHITE.
That's what you're really driving at.
"Immigrant" is just a code-word for Non-White.
The World Wide Web was invented by a White Man, Tim Berners-Lee.
It was not invented by Samsung, Google, or Yahoo.
Even more ironically;
this was accomplished outside the United States.
But we still enjoy the internet nonetheless.
Believe it or not; it's NOT necessary for all inventions to be achieved within the USA.
(Note: Berners-Lee also founded W3C to improve the internet standards).
We often see "immigrant" Inventors mainly because they WANT to migrate into Western countries.
They'd rather relocate here than remaining within their native birthplace.
This is why many engineers from abroad currently reside in the USA.
IT's not because they're superior beings. Or because we cannot survive without them.
They simply don't wanna live in India or Pakistan.
One final note:
You'll notice that Global Forces insistently claim that we need Innovative Minds from abroad.
They are bound & determined to prove that we'd be completely helpless without them.
....they even ruin our educational system in order to diminish our engineering skills....
...but that's a different story altogether...
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