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Subject: Tough questions they CANNOT answer

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Date Posted: 01:05:27 10/02/18 Tue

When dealing with the issue of mass-immigration;
you'll notice many flaws in their globalist theories.

...and this thread will tackle these discrepancies.

There are some contradictions which cannot be explained away.

It's easy to stump when presented with tough questions.

For example:
they claim that mass immigration is necessary to boost our economy.

But, wouldn't it help their economies more?

Why bring people into countries that are already financially strong?

Wouldn't it make more sense to bring migrants into under-developed nations, and "help" them grow instead?

It's selfish for the USA to solely 'benefit' from these brilliant workers who've been entering here.
OTHER COUNTRIES deserve the same 'enrichment' and technological advancements.

You see?
When globalist tyrants describe the "positive effects" of mass immigration;
......their arguments simply don't hold water.

If we 'need' immigrants; then surely ...other countries must "need" them more than we do.


Also, isn't it unfair to bring talented workers from countries who desperately need them?
Why should we steal the best Doctors & scientific minds from India, China, and The Middle East?

It would benefit these countries most, if their valued workers remained there.

Why deprive them of their best skilled employees?


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[> Subject: Re: Getting Back to nature ???

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Date Posted: 23:16:20 10/02/18 Tue

They always tell us that massive immigration is necessary in order to boost our economy.

BUT, Far-Left Activists suddenly do a complete 180-degree change when speaking of tribal societies.
Claiming that simple lifestyles are better than industrialized civilizations.

It's better to "live off of the land" than to develop overbuilt societies.

In a sense; I fully agree with this statement.
Wouldn't life be better if we all got back to nature?
BUT, it contradicts the very reason why Far Leftists push for massive immigration.

On a similar note:

"Globalists" often speak of the need to preserve indigenous populations.
So, while trying to destroy entire nations; they also believe it's important to save a remote tribe.


People insist that massive immigration helps our economy.
But, these rules never apply to 3rd World nations which really WOULD improve if their demographics changed.
For example:
If you brought millions of non-Africans into Nigeria; it would certainly transform their economy for the better.
But, would it be worth changing their ethnic composition?
Would Nigerians be happy if their country became majority non-African?
of course not.

Even if it grew their economy Ten Fold, they would still prefer self-determination.

Two-Faced Liberals constantly tell us to celebrate old customs & indigenous cultures.
But, they take exception when dictating that immigration "helps us" become more modernized.
It's all garbage anyhow. Endless Contradictions.


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[> Subject: Brief summary: [Getting Back to Nature]

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Date Posted: 21:34:19 10/09/18 Tue

If you're too busy to read the previous comment in its entirety-
here's a brief summary:

Whenever pro-migration forces push for massive immigration;
they claim that it helps the economy grow.

Yet, those same people profess their loyalty to indigenous tribes around-the-world.
.....Even remote places they've never even heard of.
Their reasoning is that tribal societies are "in tune with nature".

And apparently, this is more important than needing 'economic growth'.

Every time we talk about ancient cultures: it's always revered by the Progressive Left.

While people also say that modern civilization is bad.

Then, you can't tell us that we need to build stronger economy.

Especially when we're already living in fully developed societies.
....and, it's not really yours to decide either.


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[> Subject: they can't answer: why the rules only apply to some?

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Date Posted: 16:19:00 10/11/18 Thu

There was a Twitter debate between Ramzpaul and Asha Rangappa.
And Rangappa thought the she had an airtight argument in favor of massive immigration.

It all started when she tweeted against Tucker Carlson;
claiming that immigration if vital to our economy, growth, and intellectual reasoning.

In her exact words:
"Hey! Have you ever read social capital theory? It shows that relationships
with people who are different than us allows new ideas to travel faster,
fostering innovation. And are also instrumental in creating social trust,
which is indispensable to democracy".

Obviously, Rangappa believed that she had an unbeatable argument.
After all;
mass immigration leads to new ideas, and it's the vehicle for fostering innovation.
That sounds good and all.

BUT, shortly afterward; our colleague began challenging her claims.
(our previous chapter also delved into this topic, as well).

Asking BASIC questions such as: "IF you really think it's so helpful to society,
...then why don't you return to your native INDIA? [and start your revolution THERE!]"

and she couldn't answer that question.

Our colleague also explained that Western nations DON'T NEED innovations from outside sources.
and, 3rd World countries DON'T have the ability to share these new ideas.
Plus, even if they did; this exchange could be accomplished without bringing them here.

The story took a different twist when Rangappa challenged the idea that Whites should have their own homelands.
In her exact words:
"Oh Boy. I'm not going to make assumptions about where you're originally from. But...are you going to claim America as your homeland?"

IN OTHER WORDS: she's claiming that 'we took land from the Indians'.
Oddly, Ramzpaul said NOTHING about America. Instead, he was stating a more general need for our homelands.

BUT, it proves that Rangappa doesn't really think that mass immigration is good for our countries.

This prompted a response from our colleague:
"Well, here it is. Asha is gonna use that argument that we didn't originally come from here.
BUT, that same argument could be applied to anyone, anywhere. India, Korea, China, Japan.
So, why does it only apply to Western Countries? Also, we're talking about DELIBERATE PLANNED mass immigration."

SO, in a nutshell; we debunked her argument.
She cannot explain why open-borders policies only applies to Western nations.
Plus, she needs to understand the distinction between immigrants and a fully planned attempt to displace Whites.
There's a BIG difference.

And, of course; she couldn't answer the fact that most countries throughout-the-world have displaced natives.

Asha Rangappa also got a personal email from our colleague.
And, although we don't have an original transcript of the letter; we'll state the overall general message:

"So, you're gonna try using that argument that we're not natives to The USA. .
Well, since you wanna go there... Then let's examine your native country of India.
Your entire history is based upon successive invasions.
And, the predominant peoples of India today are NOT the indigenous peoples.
In fact, India is still committing genocide against natives today.
There are neighboring Islands with Indigenous populations.
But, these areas are legal property of India.
and their people are now flooding into these remote islands.
-Displacing ancient tribes, and forcing them to leave their homelands.
These indigenous peoples will be exterminated completely unless the U.N. intervenes.
Additionally; India is displacing native peoples within mainland areas, as well.
Thus allowing their predominant populations to expand."

We finally got a response from Rangappa.
"For The record, I am a total Anglophile. (I'd live in London if I could) --
my grandfather worked on the British railways and passed on to me his love of British Literature.
But man, hearing Brits complain about immigration is...rich".

In other words:
She backed down and conceded that her initial arguments didn't hold water.
And, in the process; she also admitted that Britain had always accepted immigrants (such as her Father).
But, we're only concerned because the numbers have grown exponentially.

The pro-migration forces always claim that immigration is helpful!
(In this case; stating that it fosters innovation).
But, after these people talk for a while; you can clearly see that they really DON'T think immigration is good.
(In this case; reverting to the argument that we're not indigenous. Therefore we cannot oppose mass migration.)
These people also propose ideas which are just plain ridiculous.
(in this case; claiming that mass immigration is the bedrock of society. and it helps bring society together).
Just plain dumb.

Luckily, in this specific case; our colleague proposed so many solid arguments against her;
she couldn't provide an answer. Thus, she steadily backed down and avoided answering the questions.

One Final Note:
There's another recurring issue which we should continue observing.

Many foreign-born people think that THEY should have the right to dictate our immigration policies.
and, in this case; her reasoning doesn't apply to her native India. These rules are only supposed to affect us.
Also, notice how persons such as Asha Rangappa identify all White people as being one group. (thank you very much).
She thinks that British, White Americans, Canadians, Germans, and Russians are all-the-same.
So, if White Americans fought Indian wars 150 years ago; Finland is now responsible and must accept Pakistanis.
It's Dumb logic...

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