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Subject: "We need a Free exchange of ideas"

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Date Posted: 02:44:54 10/11/18 Thu
In reply to: MRM 's message, "Bizarre Arguments" on 23:29:42 09/29/18 Sat

And, here's another ridiculous claim:
They're telling us that immigration [helps to spread ideas].

It's useful to freely exchange information among different societies.

FIRST Point:
There's NO need for mass migration in order to share ideas.
We already have these abilities without an influx of people.
Modern inventions such as Television, Radio, Internet, and telephone can be used instead.

Second Point:
We possess a higher level of knowledge & technology than our counterparts.
So, why would it be necessary to bring 3rd World populations ????
How are THEY gonna 'set us straight'?

So, let's get this straight.
You're claiming that..
- society advances when there's an [open flow-of-ideas].
- and, of course; it always has to be between different peoples.
- never similar cultures.
(for example: they discourage exchanges between White British and White Canadians.
or, between White Germans, Swedes, Russians, Greeks, Ukrainians, etc.).

- Instead; We're supposed to believe that welcoming alien cultures is in our own best interest.
- and, of course, it's always 'better' this way.

- Outsiders are always preferred. (though ironically; migrants are allowed to show in-group preferences).

(...If The Left's attitudes were genuinely impartial [...as they so-claim]; then it shouldn't matter who we are).
But clearly, the global migration forces are trying to stack the cards in favor of non-Whites.

- and, there's never a fair exchange.
(foreign populations always benefit; while our best-interests are ignored).

Yet somehow, this "shared technology" always requires an influx of migrants rather than telecommunications.
and, we're supposed to believe that 3rd World populations have all the knowledge ???

- AND, in order to 'share' this information; we must permanently welcome them into our societies?
Apparently; These people can't just write a book, and share their information through literature.

It's always necessary to read between the lines.
This is all meant to be favor non-European migrants.

- it's a meticulously planned outcome which is only beneficial to them, not us.
The so-called New World Order is designed to be One-Sided.

.......and, that fact should be obvious to everyone...


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[> Subject: Bizarre Arguments "They'll fight our wars !"

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Date Posted: 11:41:40 10/14/18 Sun

now here's a funny argument.

Many globalists claim that mass-immigration helps because "it strengthens the military".

Immigrants are anxious to join the armed-services and defend our country !!!

SO, they're a good source of young, healthy fighters who'll 'help us' win our next war.

Ironically, there IS some truth to these claims.
In the past, many Hispanic immigrants were statistically enlisting in the military.

However, this proves that globalists aren't really trying to prevent war.
They're stoking the fire with armies of able-bodied soldiers.

part 2:

Also note: this argument has all become obsolete over time.
Newer statistics show that migrants have a greater loyalty to their native country.
For example; an illegal alien from Mexico would be more likely to fight a battle for Mexico than USA.
They'd even side with Mexico if there was a civil conflict between these 2 nations.

Chinese Americans have been known to steal military secrets for their native country: Communist China.

Jewish Americans have committed acts of spying and espionage for their native Israel.
Other ethnic-nationals also feel a loyalty to their native homelands.

part 3:
In 2018; more "British" Muslims joined ISIS than those joining the British Military.
(such as ISIS, and other terror groups).
Plus, they also return home in order to defend their native country).
After fighting these wars; they're somehow allowed to return to the U.K.

Also, more "British" Jews joined the Israeli army than those joining the British military.
So, there's no question as to whom their loyalty is given.
These Israeli-British Jews often have the option between returning to England, or stay.
IF they decide to remain in Israel; they're still allowed to vote in U.K. elections.

Yet, all of this is being done for the sake of "Globalism"?
Not so.
It's clearly a cultural war against Western nations.
Only non-Europeans benefit from this arrangement.

part 4:
IT seems; a different set of rules applies to White people.
We're told to accept open borders, and 'globalism';
While other ethnic groups are allowed to maintain a strong sense of identity.
and, in many cases; they're even willing to defend their nationality.
...here or abroad.


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