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Subject: Re: arguments: "Your ancestors came here, too"

Dr Shannon
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Date Posted: 10:05:29 10/25/18 Thu
In reply to: Dr. Shannon 's message, " The most common argument "Your ancestors came here too"" on 10:57:20 10/23/18 Tue

So, how do you rationalize with someone who uses this longstanding argument?

Here are a few possible responses:

The conversation begins: "Your ancestors once came to a new land seeking a better life."
Our response: "Well.. ..We all came from somewhere else." "Everybody comes from someplace, buddy."
"...and that argument doesn't justify mass immigration into Western countries."

If you go back-in-time; then every soul on earth is an "immigrant".
This basic rule applies everywhere. and, nobody is a native.
You could make these arguments for virtually any nation or any tribe on earth.

For example: The people of India originally migrated there from a distant location.
Same is true for Mideastern countries, and Southeast Asia.
Even super-homogeneous countries such as China and Japan were once fragmented societies;
often engaged in wars and civil conflicts.

...and; it still doesn't explain why Western Countries(and they alone) are supposed to accept this rhetoric.

Therefore, you can't dictate our immigration policies by simply claiming that "we're all immigrants".

3) Also: it's just an overall generalization which doesn't explain for anything.
So, every time we debate the issue; we keep getting this same mindless response.

Also, let's consider the logistics.
According to your logic; why don't we just bring 100 million immigrants per year?
Better yet, why not just bring-in Five Billion people?
After all, "we're all immigrants".

As you can see; this entire argument self-implodes.

4): You're taking a complex issue, and turning it into a simple phrase.
There's more to this whole topic than meets the eye.
But, whenever we attempt to discuss these matters;
Far Leftists respond by reminding us that 'our ancestors came here, too.
If we try to give statistics and numerous examples; we always get the same mindless repetition.

Western Nations are bringing immigrants whose beliefs are totally incompatible with ours.
Just look at any migration chart showing the top regions of migration.
Western Nations(such as Sweden & Germany) are bringing foreigners from Islamic countries & Sub-Saharan Africa;
...rather than taking immigrants who share familiar cultures.
If I was a Swedish official; I'd prefer bringing people from neighboring European States.

But, anti-White forces are deliberately forcing us to accept populations which are alien to us.
It's almost as if Global Elitists believe that we're not allowed to control our own policies.

6) Even if your ancestors "came here as immigrants";
...That doesn't change the fact that [immigration is AGAINST our nation's own best interest].
- This reality even held true in previous centuries as well.
Although we've been taught to embrace "The Melting Pot";
Mass Migration has ALWAYS been against the best interest of Host Populations.
The same rule applies to the so-called "Great Migration".

7) As a nation: We were VERY fortunate that America managed to survive the early 20th century.
Luckily, our European ancestors assimilated nicely with the prevailing Anglo-culture.
But, it could've turned out quite differently.
Let's suppose the majority of immigrants came from a vastly different region.
We would have surely seen a vastly different outcome.

8) It's very difficult to rationalize with anyone on this subject.
Most White Americans vividly remember their ancestors who came here, a long time ago.
But, they don't realize: Immigration has always been driven by an overall hidden agenda.
the same people responsible for Today's Policies have always been the driving force behind massive immigration.
So, this invalidates the whole argument altogether.
You don't have to accept open-borders just because distant relatives migrated here.

According to globalist logic;
they've always led the invasion; therefore you must continue accepting it? ,,,and never draw-the-line?

9) Most Important Point:
People fail to understand...
the entire purpose of The Great Migration was to displace the native Anglo-American Power-Structure.
And to replace it with a Jewish one.
Immigration was tool for weakening the existing society.
Luckily; the entire European American population united with the pioneers and founders of this country.
And we, as immigrants became worshipers of the Founding Fathers and its ideals.
They became our cultural ancestors.

But initially; globalists were successful at displacing Anglo-Americans.
Turning them into 2nd Class Citizens in the country which they founded.

Ask virtually any White Person in USA their ancestry, and very few are of Anglo-Stock.
It's almost as if, Jewish led massive immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century displaced them.

....who were those Anglo-settlers? And, where did they go?

It can happen again to us. and Globalists will displace us unless action is taken.

SO, with that said; Mass Immigration was never meant to be helpful to us.

and surely: bringing alien cultures nowadays are contrary to our own best interests.

Therefore, whoever brings them into Western Countries is trying to weaken our society.
It's that simple.

Even if you sympathize with the needy.
The effects are still the same. It's an invasion. It's warfare. It's replacement.
and, that's the whole purpose behind it.

....but, you can't do anything about it, since after all; your ancestors came here as immigrants....


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[> Subject: Re: your ancestors came here The USA and abroad

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Date Posted: 01:43:40 11/14/18 Wed

for the longest time,
Globalists have been telling us to accept things as they are.

Here we are; living in the USA.
And, when foreigners surround me; I'm not allowed to criticize it.

Those clever ADL Groups quickly end the discussion by telling us that our ancestors came here too.

So, the same people who constantly argue with intellect SUDDENLY take a simple approach.
They do this all the time.

Part 2:
Regardless of the millions who enter, "it's no different than my fore-bearers".

Actually, this rule only applies to one lone "Nation of Immigrants".

But, when you're looking at Europe, Canada, and Australia; these rules don't apply.
You can't use these arguments to justify immigration into Europe & elsewhere.

Part 3:
Although I'm opposed to any scale of mass immigration;
it would be a different scenario IF the United States was the only targeted country.

Only then could ADL groups make a legitimate claim.
Although still wrong; it would only involve One Great Experiment.
But, of course; this is not the case.

Part 4:
Let's also compare this issue to false refugees.
You can see Islamic migrants flooding into Europe.
and people immediately assume they're fleeing war-torn countries.
Even if you know nothing whatsoever about them.

BUT, when Chinese migrants are flooding into Australia;
nobody claims they're refugees.
You already know beforehand they are NOT.
Nor, can anyone claim their ancestors came as "refugees".

People merely use these arguments when it's convenient.
If I'm an American who's bombarded with migrants;
then I'm told to shut up since I too was an immigrant.

BUT, when Globalists push for mass immigration into Finland, Sweden, France, or Ireland;
.....they use other reasons instead.


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