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Date Posted: 23:51:00 07/12/02 Fri
Author: Kain-Raidae [Leviathan, Jallion, Darkiy, Lunima]
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+

The door swings open. Laughter and noises of the bargoers fall quiet as the tall-and-dark CoinShifter stalks in. She had shed her bladed boots a while back to accomodate her new feet, huge and lizardic. The grizzled sentry takes a brief inspection of the occupants, reading faces briefly, before taking a seat at the bar table. The woman's tail sways back and forth slowly, head still swiveling to get a fuller look. Sometimes she cursed her blinded eye, yet it was satisfying to see the look that it usually brought; fear. Kain held power, in a vague fashion, an silent sentinel that was serious about her job. At least, she used to be. Now, the CoinShifter is a mercenary, and for hire. The dark Kilven follows her in, despite a huge size. Raidae is deadly-protective of her rider, and refuses to leave Kain by herself. Usually. She's in a very satisfied mood right now. Black Kilven Tavern. Well, the green isn't exactly black, but close enough. So she settles on the floor behind the CoinShifter, glaring with her lone eye at all the other bargoers. The woman strokes the head of 'her' Kilven, glaring at the barkeep.
"Green ale."
When he hands over her drink, Kain inspects it for any poisons on instinct. After finding it pure, she takes a sip.
~Good enough.

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