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Date Posted: 00:16:14 07/14/02 Sun
Author: Kain-Raidae [Leviathan, Jallion, Darkiy, Lunima]
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Karsky 's message, "::Approaches::" on 13:29:55 07/13/02 Sat

The woman's head lifts from her mug as she catches the sound of another approaching. Raidae bares her teeth and growls, lifting her graying head warily and looking around. Kain's eye narrows, hand clutching belt knife, yet the noise she heard was just a bubbly young girl, taking a seat off to her right. No danger, not yet. The huge green Kilven keeps her jaws cracked open and her protective stance by her rider, though she moves her wings from the 'shield' she'd covered her with. The 'Shifter blinks at Karsky's outgoingness. Incredible...no one addressed her anymore, the grizzled old sentinel.
~I haven't talked in so long, Raidae.
I know, Kain. Give it a shot.
~I'd rather not.
C'mon, how hard can it be?
Oh, fine...

Kain clears her throat a little before her low, alto-edge coldsteel voice emanates from it.
"It's all the same to me, now."

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