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Date Posted: 16:42:26 10/29/02 Tue
Author: Drueila
Subject: withdraws somewhat
In reply to: Rehvah 's message, "Careful, now. (;D means something..." on 17:34:43 10/28/02 Mon

Drueila listens benignly to his first words with a pleasant, playful smile. Though as he asks of her home, the flirtatious sparkle in the coinshifter's brilliant eyes dims and they seem to flash in the direction of something unmentioned beyond the crowded walls of the tavern. The lapse in her self-control lasts less than a second though, only noticable to the most intent observer. And with a toss of her head and a straightening of her shoulders she lets out an indifferent little laugh.
"There is nothing to be said of my past." she replies to his question with a certain air of resigned yet confident finality. "And of my home? All the world is home to me."
"And why think of the past?" she asks lightly, changing tone again and restoring something of the previous careless atmosphere, "When there is the present moment to be lived!"

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