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Date Posted: 16:29:58 08/04/04 Wed
Author: Mystery Deathsong
Subject: Re: Shmeeble...
In reply to: Random Vaes 's message, "Shmeeble..." on 21:07:17 08/03/04 Tue

Her ears twitched as they caught the call of the male, but it was the larger female that caught her eye. It wasn't her colouring, for indeed the male was more appealing, but her disposition that caught the Dagaans eye.
Blacks orbs met the emeralds. "Well hello." The Vae's head quirked and she moved towards the Dagaan. She was cautious, but didn't appear to be fearful.
"This must be what they call 'linking', is it?" M.D. questioned, but the Vae just responded with a small krek. The mammavian offered her hand out to the Vae, and the dark female walked towards her, curling into the Dagaans lap, letting out a soft creel.
Mystery Deathsong shifted slightly -- it'd been quite some time since she'd had anything larger than Tail Three Too Short in her lap. She didn't understand at all how creatures smaller than herself could carry these large dragonets on their shoulders. "Well I suppose you'll need a name."
The still nameless Vae leaned her vibrant head back to look at Mystery again with her vibrant green eyes.
M.D. stared back, pondering for a moment, before it came to her.

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  • Coming -- Sangue, 16:52:37 08/04/04 Wed

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