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Date Posted: 19:26:36 07/13/02 Sat
Author: K'nde :: Dimor
Subject: ::_::
In reply to: [ Ritaki & Aliae ] 's message, "...." on 17:27:24 07/12/02 Fri

K'nde could do nothing, waned to do nothing else, but hold her closely. Her removed his finger from her chin only so that he may hold her more the closer. He said nothing for many moments, coming to grips with the fact Alaseri is dead. Finally resting his head beside hers, he whispered softly into her ear, not needing time to regain his voice. "Oh, Ritaki. There's no need to apologize now. Apologies ean nothing to me, so long as you're here and I can see you. That is all I ask for, and yet you have given me somuch more. If one of us is to apologize, it's me. I'd given up all hope and was about ready to move on and forget," he paused, sending a not-so-soft mental jibe at Dimor. "Had I kept up hope longer, I may have been in better condition than I am now." He sighed and leaned away, falling onto his back once again to stare at the sky. It had ecome a habit of his when he thought. "How I got here..." he mused quietly, eyes closed in thought. "After recieving word we were to leave Pern at once, I sent the message to those dwelling in High Reaches and the tithing Holds and Halls. After seeing them off, I came over. Alone. I've been alone ever since that day. The change was...hard on me." He opened an eye, looking at Ritaki. A few more moments pass until a soft smile tugs at the sie of his mouth. "But I am alone no more."

Dimor snorted and opened an eye, looking around for the one who disturbed his rest. Before finding Aliae, he heard he voice. To say the least, he came down from the Vae Tree branches a few minutes later. Kinalies reloated herself on his back and scolded him unceasingly. Dimor wilted slightly, shaking the angry gold off his back and sitting...a few feet away from the other Gold. -:Aliae, I'm quite ... surprised to see you ... here. And what do you mean by action? Oh, nevermind:- The Brown's eyes began to show traces of a yellowish-orange. -You two are back, I mean here! On Eteus! Ohh...K'ndelek's gonna skin me and leave my pelt to rot!:- Once again disturbing Kinalies, he ducks behind the tree and covers his eyes, not wanting to be seen by his rider.

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