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Date Posted: 17:27:24 07/12/02 Fri
Author: [ Ritaki & Aliae ]
Subject: ....
In reply to: K'nde :: Dimor 's message, "::_::" on 15:29:12 07/12/02 Fri

The tears continued to make their way down her finely chiseled face, each as exquisite as a drop of molten silver, perfect and representative of such pain, and, at the same time, such joy. K’ndelek. She had found him, he was here… Ritaki wrapped her arms about his neck, hardly able to believe what was happening. K’ndelek… "I-I’m sorry, I just…" she lost control of her voice at that point, and gave up on speech, merely relishing the knowledge that they were together again, that they had found each other. After several minutes, she tried again, feeling a need to explain her absence. "I’m so sorry… Alaseri needed help, her flit showed up, panicking, and I had no time to tell anyone where I was going… She had had a heart attack, and died shortly before I arrived… I was so distraught when I left, that I wasn’t paying attention, and…" her voice cracked. "We got caught out in threadfall, Aliae and I. Her wings were damaged, and we went down. Sh-she suffered a minor concussion when we crashed, and when we tried to mind-call for help, it didn’t send… It was terrible, for she was able to receive, but not able to mind-speak anyone further away than several feet. We were stranded for months, until she finally recovered enough to take to the air again… We were about to return to High Reaches, when the… disaster… occurred… We had no time to join the others, and simply came to Etreus from where we were. Something must have gone wrong, however, because when we landed we were all alone…" She finally stopped. He would understand the rest, she felt sure, although the death of Alaseri might come as a shock.

As he lifted her chin, she raised her gaze, blue eyes meeting green. "Neither could I… How did you make your way here?"

Aliae watched in smug amusement. Her Linked had found her beloved? Good. Now, where was that dratted brown… Piercing green eyes scanned the area, finally locating a furry brown snoring lump. Sleeping. Why was she not surprised. This was going to be fun… She gave a powerful mental shove, and said in her most charming mind-voice, ^:Wakey wakey, Dimor. You’re missing all the action, you lazy lump of lard.:^


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