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Date Posted: 02:17:33 07/22/17 Sat
Author: nath
Subject: Rip Chester Bennington... another Survivor of abuses...

i saw yesterday after work the tragic and heartbreaking news abt Chester (Linkin Park leader)'s suicide.
LP music follows me since yrs, since my teen's yrs and was precious since my 2001's trauma. It helped (still)me to evacuate/"spite" out this rage & deep pain from inside, also some soothe. This news abt Chester's suicide & remembering he was a Survivor of abuses too (an article* at the end of this post) shaking me inside (probaby because currently my depression is back since some days, feeling again like be drowing again trying to keep head out of the water). The tragic news abt Chester it's a weird feeling it's like as if all the flesh was exploding under my (inner)scars, pushing hard on skin/stitches, remembering those wounds from past and suicidal thoughts & attempts. In just 1 sec all can be stopped (still immensely grateful to have been physicaly saved( link here ).

* Here the article
i recommend you to listen Linkin park new cd "One more light", not the usual metal style that LP is known for, much calmer tracks but so poignant & heartbreaking lyrics and they describe perfectly those battles againt our dark passenger.

Abuses and battle against suicide a so often combinaison if you want to share about it, what you do to help you in this battle, feel free im sure it will help others.

Warm thoughts & condoleances to Chester's family, friends, bandmates. RIP Chester.
May his own lifestory/wounds/battles inspire & bring strength to others to find the strength to control this dark passenger.
Please, Take care all.
&already said it but as life can end at any moment, NEVER forget you are a precious puzzle part in life & heart of many (included me), that we can NOT remplace& as we say in French: je vous aime de tout mon coeur(which means: i love you immensely).
Squhugs & love, always,

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