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Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 05:21:18 01/28/24 Sun
In reply to: Stepmom 's message, "Question" on 10:41:02 01/21/24 Sun

I have decided that IF the occasion ever arises that I do have to discipline her, as she requested I'm going to give her a spanking and like my husband said 'give her a good one'.
I've never done it before, but I guess there's not much to it, you just turn her over your knees and start slapping her butt.

Any advice?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 06:16:14 01/28/24 Sun

Remember she came to you to get spanked, not her Dad. She needs you to fulfill a need. I wouldn't give her a good one.
I would give her a brief lecture about her behavior and then put her over your knee, bare her bottom and give her about six licks with a hairbrush. Don't raise you hand above your shoulder and mostly flick the hair brush with your wrist. I would spank her to tears and then a couple of more followed by bare bottom corner time.

I have lots of reasons for saying this but the Ceder count is very high right now it is difficult to think and type.
I will psst more later if we get some rain.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 06:34:29 01/28/24 Sun

Thank you. I will only use my hand over her jeans. If it's effective and it doesn't cause any trauma I may go further in the future. But for now, just a good spanking and see how it works out. That is IF the occasion ever arises.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 07:55:13 01/28/24 Sun

You're not right and you know that she needs and asked for a real spanking, bare bottom. But you can ask her again how she does imagine it...

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 09:37:55 01/28/24 Sun

I can understand your wish to start cautiously, if the situation ever presents itself. Respectfully, I think you might cause more sting to your hand than her bottom if you spank over her jeans. If you are concerned about her modesty, then you could have her take down her jeans, but keep her underwear in place. Alternatively, you could have her change into something thinner, like pajamas. Also, I'd use the traditional over the knee/lap position. Afterwards, plenty of hugs and assurances that she is forgiven and she had a clean slate.

I wish you luck if you ever do wind up spanking her.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 12:31:45 01/28/24 Sun

First off if it ain’t bare it ain’t a spanking!

A couple of stories to help you understand my view point.

Years ago I knew a woman, who when she was little, would taunt her father into spanking her.
He would tell things like she could go out and play just don’t go past the telephone pole. She would go one foot past it and then taunt him. She said she would be very scared when he snapped the belt prior to whipping her but she did it anyway. She avoided getting spanked by her Mom but for some reason she needed to get her butt whipped by her Dad.

The second story regards my High School Girl Friend and her little brother who was about ten years younger than her. She essentially raised him. She would make him lay naked on the couch before giving him six licks the belt. He would end crying and running to his room. I always felt like it was somewhat of a game between them. He got the attention he wanted and she got a little stress relief.

For some reason your step-daughter has gotten it into her head that Mom’s spank and she wants you to be Mom not Step-mom. She is old enough to be given chores to do and make it clear that if she doesn't do them she gets spanked. That way she has control over it and it is for something minor. You are not punishing her you are fulfilling a need.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

Allison to bodack
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Date Posted: 13:27:42 01/28/24 Sun

Dear bodack,
I have to respectfully dissagree. Not all of my spanking from dad are on the bare. He always uses a large thick wooden paddle similiar to those used in school. For spanking offenses but not serious enough to require me to be bare I get it in our kitchen slightly bent over the counter with my hands grasping the counter for support. Dad then applied that paddle across my jeans (in the most recent case) quite firmly. I promise you sir this was a real spanking. Saying a spanking isn't real if it's not bare is an absolute myth. Mine was very real and there were tears and paddle marks to prove it.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 15:25:54 01/28/24 Sun

I earlier recommended you ease into the spanking and a hand spanking over her jeans accomplishes that objective. You probably can't do any serious damage with that approach.So you are on the right track.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 06:01:37 02/12/24 Mon

Some of you perverts just want to read about a little girl getting her panties pulled down and spanked on her bare bottom.
Step Mom, trust me, a good hand spanking over her jeans or leggings will be plenty for her to get a real spanking. If done right her butt will be hot for a long time and she might feel it for a day or two. True, a bare bottom spanking is embarrassing and stings a lot worse and one other advantage is you can see how red her bottom is getting so you don't over do it, but for her first spanking, maybe her only spanking, a darn good hand spanking over her jeans will be something she'll remember.

Good luck.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 06:36:53 02/12/24 Mon

May I also add to be sure to cuddle and forgive for as long as she needs it. That's probably even more important than the spanking itself.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Question

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Date Posted: 07:56:21 02/12/24 Mon

Thank you Tess and a couple of others for your reasonable response. Very sound advice. I knew when I asked this on here that I'd get responses like that which I would just disregard. I plan to do it much like you said IF, and that's a big IF the occasion should ever arise and IF I can even bring myself to actually go through with it. So far nothing major, some attitude etc. but nothing that I feel would warrant such punishment, or that I could even bring myself to do it.

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