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Subject: Re: Do you or did you masturbate after a punishment spanking

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Date Posted: 13:15:39 04/10/24 Wed
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Do you or did you masturbate after a punishment spanking" on 03:17:11 04/09/24 Tue

This is something I have never spoken about. I guess confessing anonymously to total strangers is probably a way to get it off my chest. I was spanked from a very young age through my late teens. Along with a few others on here I have had an interest in spanking for as long as I remember. It always intrigued me, and I was always overly interested in others getting spanked. A spanking from my parents did nothing for me, my mother's spankings were very painful, and I had no desire to ever receive one from her. My fathers were not as bad but they did nothing for my fantasies. However, seeing someone else being spanked or someone besides my parents spanking me would excite me beyond measure. When I was in my early teens, I was spending the night with one of my friends and we were in her room. We were being way too loud; her father had come in and told us to hold it down at least three times with the third time threating to spank us both if we didn’t quiet down. The threat alone excited me more than I can explain. I didn’t particularly want to be spanked but the thought of it excited me. She didn’t seem to fear the threat she just laughed it off, probably because she was embarrassed. I was, however, extremely interested to see if he would actually do it. We didn’t really quite down that much, it was more like a steady giggle fest with the occasional song being played too loud. After another 30 minutes he busted through the door. “I told you girls to quite down four times now you’re going to get it.” He stormed over to my friend sitting down on the edge of her bed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him the whole time she was protesting and promising to be quiet. He didn’t stop, he pulled her over his lap, jerked down her pajama bottoms and panties and spanked her about 20 times hard with his hand. Then pulled them back up enough to cover her before he let her off his lap. He then looked at me and said “do you want me to bust your butt or do I need to call your mother?” I for two reasons wanted him to bust my butt. One being 20 hand spanks was much better than 100 hairbrush spankings and well, the other reason was you know… “NO, NO, don’t call my mom!” I moved across the bed to where he was sitting. I basically crawled across his lap. He pulled my pants and panties down just below my butt and delivered 20 stinging spanks to my butt before pulling my pants back up and letting me up. My eyes weld with tears and it hurt but I have had so much worse. He left and we went to bed. I was sleeping on her trundle bed below her. My bottom was burning slightly but between my legs was tingling. I laid there with my mind circling and my excitement building. I waited until my friend was asleep and then my hand went into my pants, and I masturbated until I had an amazing orgasm. It felt amazing. I relived this in my mind for the next few years when I masturbated.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Do you or did you masturbate after a punishment spanking

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Date Posted: 01:29:16 06/10/24 Mon

It's interesting to hear about he feelings you had after you were spanked by your friend's father. I also tried to avoid spankings from my parents even though they did cause me to become aroused, especially into my teens. I would sometimes masturbate afterward. But it was spankings I had received from people other than my parents that I would fantasize about. One of my teachers spanked my bare bottom when I was in elementary school. I got very aroused by the spanking even though I didn't really understand it at the time. So I fantasized about her or another teacher pulling my pants down and spanking me. Sometimes I would be in class and hear a student being paddled in the hall and would actually wish it was me. Of course in my fantasy, it would be on my bare bottom instead of over the seat of my pants. The thought of being taken out into the hall, having my bottom bared in front of another teacher and receiving a paddling really turned me on. Also I fantasized about being sent to the Principal's office and having to bend over the desk for a paddling with my pants down. Which by the way, never happened. Although, I did get called to the office once with I was in high school. I had gotten in trouble for cutting class. I wasn't paddled, I got a detention instead. But on the way to the office, my imagination was running away with me. I did see a few paddlings administered bare bottom in the locker rooms but never got one myself. I would fantasize I would get one though. Thinking about how embarrassing it would have been to be undressed in front of the other students, having to bend over and grab my ankles while the Coach administered the paddle to my bare butt. Some of the spanking games I played with other kids explored that fantasy and many times I would self spank I would fantasize about it and masturbate after.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Do you or did you masturbate after a punishment spanking

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Date Posted: 16:20:01 06/19/24 Wed

This happened back in the early 1980's. I was 10 at the time. I had a close friend I would hang out wit a lot. She was my age. Her mom got remarried to a man named Tom. He was supper nice to me. One early Saturday morning I went over to her house to see if she wanted to come out and play.Tom opened the door and said Amy and her mom ran to the store. He invited me in to wait on them to get back. We were watching tv and I noticed a wood paddle on the table and asked him about it. He said he has had it for a long time, but never used it. Could not remember where he had gotten it. I told him my mom and dad have never spanked me. He smiled and said all parents are different. He went on to say His dad paddled him when growing up. I asked does it hurt a lot? He said if done right yes. He told me to stand up, I said why, He said turn around and I will give you one swat on your jeans. I was curious and said ok but not too hard. So he gave me one swat, it stung but not to bad. He sat back down as did I and he said well, did it hurt? I shook my head and said not too bad. He said that is because it's only one and it was not on your bare bottom. I laughed as did he and that was it, Amy and her mom came home. I forgot all about what took place with Tom and me. But that night in bed its all that went through my head. And every night after that. Soon I was looking for movies and books that had spanking in them. Then one night on a Friday I stayed up to find a movie, we had Cinemax back then, and a late night movie came on called Frank And I. It had 3 spanking scene's it. I was now hooked. I resorted to spanking myself when my mom was at work. Then weeks later I had fantasy of Tom giving me a real paddling.So one day Amy told me her and her mom were going school cloths shopping next Saturday morning. I knew Tom would not be going. My heart raced thinking about if I had the guts to ask him to paddle me. Well Saturday came and I figured I would just go over at 10 to see when they will be back home? When I got to the front door it was open , they had a screen door. Tom saw me and said come in Tracy, I did and asked when Amy would be back? He said an hour or so, he was watching Golf. I did not see the paddle. I was looking around as I sat on the couch. He noticed and said you looking for something? I said no. Just looking around. I do not know how he knew, but pointed to the paddle hanging on the wall in the kitchen. I must have turned so red. He had a strange look on his face. I look at him and said what?? He asked if I were still curious about the paddle and how it was used. I slowly shook my head yes. He said that is normal.He asked me well what more do you want to know. I said what a real one would feel like? He said a real paddling? I said yea. He looked at the clock, then back at me. He then said I can give you one if that is what you want. In a safe environment. my tummy was turning up side down and I was shaking. So nervous. I said ummm ok. He got up and went into the kitchen took the paddle down. He then looked at me and said come with me. I got up and followed him into what I think was a spare Bed Room. He sat the paddle on a table and he sat on the bed. He asked again If i wanted to do this. I was so nervous but still shook my head yes. My mouth was so dry. I was wearing a yellow sun dress, and my tennis shoes. He said ok, you can't tell anyone about this or I could get into huge trouble. I promised I wont, and never did till now. ok he said he stood up and put a pillow on the center of the bed. He then told me to hop up on the bed and lie on your tummy. He then asked if I wanted to do this the right way? I looked up at him and said whats the right way? He said on your bare bottom. I thought for a few moments and just shook my head yes. He then said ok. I put my face into the other pillow. I felt my dress get pulled up to the middle of my back, then he pulled my panties down to my knees. He then said OK sweet, you have a tiny bottom, so this is going to sting Im going to paddle your sit spot 6 times. I want you to know this is going to hurt a bit as I am a hard paddler. But in the end you will be all right. No bruising I promise. He layd the paddle on my lower butt and said don't tighten your cheeks, it will sting more, are you ready? I shook my head yes. The first swat stung the second was worse. I got through all 6 without crying, just heavy breathing, and a few oww's that hurts. When it was over he pulled my panties back up and pulled my dress back into place. He then said you can get up. He asked well are you ok? I shook my head yes. He then said well now you know with a laugh. We walked back into the TV room. At that time Amy and her mom came home and that was it. We never spoke about it after. In the years that came me and Amy grew apart and one day they moved to another state And never heard from Amy. This was back in the early 80's. He never molested me or forced me to do anything. As a matter of fact I went to him. I just recently saw on Facebook on Amy's page that Tom had passed on. Sad..So this was my spanking memory. Anyone have a similar thing happen?

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