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Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 19:21:16 09/04/24 Wed
In reply to: Anna 's message, "Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students" on 09:29:03 09/04/24 Wed

I miss when there were more people on this forum talking about spanking adults or their own childhood memories and fewer people talking positively about spanking children as though it hasn't been proven to damage the brain and increase risk for depression and anxiety, amongst other negative effects.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 15:06:18 09/05/24 Thu

Thank you Thea. Are you a teacher? I have tried to convince mom of spanking dangers. She will have none of it but did at least listen. We are having better talks these days and less lickings.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 13:54:17 09/07/24 Sat

I am also a teacher. I have always been anti-spanking. I have read all of the research on both sides. I find that the pro-spanking research is done with bias. However, as I've been teaching and working with children for a few years now I've gotten to know the kiddos and their parents. I have a good idea which ones use spanking in their homes and which do not. It's not scientific, but I have in recent years softened my opposition to spanking. Many of the kids who I know or strongly suspect receive corporal punishment at home are very intelligent, well behaved, well adjusted and socialize very well, whereas some of the kids who I am certain do not and likely never have received a spanking are some of the worst kids you will ever see.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 07:11:54 09/23/24 Mon

I think it's great that a woman like Maddie, who is a teacher and already has to observe and judge as part of her job, has changed her attitude towards spanking. Yes, the studies and so-called scientific reports say that spanking harms children. I think it depends on whether someone is getting spanked or being mistreated. I come from a generation in which it was still common in my country to punish your children with a spanking, sometimes a thorough spanking. And none of those around me have become criminals, idiots or psychopaths, as the so-called pundits always want you to believe will happen. What I've noticed is that since spanking was banned, violence among young people and the disregard for rules and boundaries has become rampant.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 07:22:17 09/23/24 Mon

Let's be clear, Maddie didn't say that she has changed her opinion or her attitude towards spanking. She said she has SOFTENED HER OPPOSITION. That is something QUITE different.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

Anna to Michael
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Date Posted: 06:45:55 09/24/24 Tue

I whole hardly agree with you. Since parents have stopped disciplining or spanking their teens, they are ruining our society.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 16:31:09 09/24/24 Tue

I´m not that good in english but if I´m right, you disagree. In what point? Iwrote: What I've noticed is that since spanking was banned, violence among young people and the disregard for rules and boundaries has become rampant. And you wrote: Since parents have stopped disciplining or spanking their teens, they are ruining our society. What is the big different?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 17:28:01 09/24/24 Tue

If you can't understand or comprehend what I wrote how can you even begin to understand or comprehend any data or research. That is NOT what I said asshole, and don't put words in my mouth.
Please show your data to back up your asinine statement.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Spanking of our Older Teens and College Students

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Date Posted: 05:08:54 09/19/24 Thu

Thea, agreed. There does seem to be a recent infiltration of members glorifying physically disciplining children and pastors, churches and other adults in authority encouraging parents to harshly discipline their children. They seem to be growing more militant about their 'right' to post on this group and dominate the conversation. There are a lot of other groups that cater to this type of thing and personally I feel they should go there.

On the other hand Thea, I admire your bravery (and many others on here) for pursuing your lifelong interests. I would like to hear more of your experiences. I hope that you (and others) will be more vocal on here for more lively 'adult' conversation.

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