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Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 07:57:00 09/22/24 Sun
In reply to: Aunt Nat 's message, "Not Sure About This..." on 12:08:14 09/19/24 Thu

We had a very nice lunch on Friday with some laughs and shared memories from our childhoods etc. I was waiting for her to say something like "Boy, did I get it that time." but she never did. Eventually the discussion turned to the here and now and she confided in me her feelings, her frustrations, her anxieties. "I just feel that I need...discipline in my life. You know...guidance from maybe, you know...a sort of...mother figure." She didn't say the word 'spanking' and I didn't want to jump the gun and say it myself, but I was pretty sure that's where she was going with it. "Do you mean like a...spanking?" was on the tip of my tongue, but I didn't want to expose myself and would have been terribly embarrassed if that was not what she was meaning.

I'm sure we'll get together again and it occurred to me that she may be just as frustrated as I am trying to get this out in the open. I may be way of base here and would hate to ruin a friendship and the confidence of a confused young woman in need of a friend.

As I've never ventured into these waters, exploring my lifelong desires I have no idea how I would even go about this. Of course I've read stories and seen videos, but those are fantasies. How do you go about turning a young lady over your knees and giving her a good, disciplinary spanking to begin to correct her behaviors? How do you know if you've given enough or gone too far? How do you actually do it? What implements, if any should be used? How do you make sure it's a real disciplinary spanking and not just to satisfy sexual urges of either party?
I hope to hear from some experts who have been there.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:16:48 09/22/24 Sun

It really sounds like she wants you to give her a spanking. It sounds like a lot of the hints I was giving my professor friend. I'm not an expert, so I don't know.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 08:44:50 09/22/24 Sun

I agree with Emmie. I think this young friend of yours has hinted about as much as she can and yes she is probably in the same boat as you -- nervous about being explicit and being the first to say "spanking." But I think she has been about as straightforward as she can be. The ball would seem to be in your court. All you have to do is ASK her what she means, what exactly she needs. Why don't you invite her over on the pretext that made some recipe and you are never going to be able to finish it yourself..... I would get this going ASAP. It's not fair to leave her frustrated. And I don't you need a slew of messages telling you how to spank. It's not rocket science unless this whole story is fabricated. Assuming it's not fabricated, a hairbrush spanking on her bare backside 1 swat for each year of her age is a good starting place. Send that text or make that call.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 08:42:53 09/22/24 Sun

You passed up an opportunity. When she mentioned she needed guidance like a mother figure would provide, you should have explored that reply. You could have posed the questions: what sort of guidance do you believe a mother figure should provide and what should be done if you failed to follow such guidance. If your at liberty to ignore the guidance, what would be your point in having a mother figure.

Rather than seek an 'expert' you should explore with others just what would be a sensible and analytical way of proceeding to get answers to your questions. In passing I would suggest at the outset that administering a real spanking is not necessarily inconsistent with satisfying a sexual urge(s). So don't start from that premise. The girl may benefit immensely from your intervention irrespective of your own desires If you would like to discuss off-site, you may contact me at minnnetsurfer@outlook.com

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 08:56:23 09/22/24 Sun

Just saying, but you guys weren't there and only know the details she wrote. It's a lot different when it's real.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 09:25:45 09/22/24 Sun

Agreed, and all the more reason to proceed cautiously and prepare oneself for the reality that may be encountered.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Someone Who Knows
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Date Posted: 10:06:27 09/22/24 Sun

You are doing just fine, but don't let the opportunity pass you by.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 04:12:16 09/23/24 Mon

Any discussion of parental discipline should bring up the idea of spanking. You could approach it in a roundabout way. Corporal punishment is one disciplinary method among many methods. You don't have to present it as your chosen method — you're just throwing it out there as part of covering the bases. You could even laugh it off if it makes you feel too uncomfortable taking it seriously. If she takes it seriously, and treats it as a possibility, you have all the leverage you need.

As far as administering a spanking, I think you have to approach it like a parent, not as a kinky person. Millions of parents have spanked without training. They've done it countless ways and with a large variety of implements. I just read your post about spanking your niece. It's the same as you did with her. Punish with your best intentions, and let the chips fall where they may. If your college student friend is taking discipline seriously, she will accept what you believe is necessary.

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