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Subject: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 03:23:58 09/23/24 Mon

I have a son and a daughter, both grown who I never spanked. My husband passed when they were young and although we were very open I could never tell him about my secret desires. I've dated some since, but nothing serious and I'm just not into having a relationship. I haven't dated anyone in a few years and really have little interest in it.

Several years ago my niece lived with us for about a year. She was 12-13 at the time. She's not actually my niece, but a distant cousin who I've always called my niece and have loved and cared for a such. She was a very troubled girl and prone to finding herself in trouble. Her parents were going through a tough time and I agreed to let my niece stay with me until they could iron things out.

My niece was a very sweet kid with a kind heart, but Emo or whatever and she was a constant source of trouble and disruption. It was affecting my own children. I tried gentle parenting as I always did with my own, I tried everything and finally I warned her I would give her a spanking. It's not something I wanted to do.

The time came and I was true to my warning. Just she and I in the house. We had a long talk and I turned her over my knees and gave her a darn good spanking over her jeans and she did cry. It was not something I wanted to do and I did not like the experience. There was some improvement, but before long she was back to her old ways.

Finally I was at my wits end with her and I sent my kids to the movies. This time I had a long discussion with my niece. It was all very formal and very calm. I pulled down her jeans and undies and spanked her with my hand and hairbrush and it was a good one. It was a duty. It was not something I ever imagined I'd have to do. It was completely separate from my lifelong interest in spanking, in fact the two lines never crossed.

That did it and I never spanked her again and never wanted to. Once her parents worked out what they were going through, mom adopted a more tough love approach and her hairbrush got plenty of use until she went to college. She is now a junior and on the dean's list.

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[> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:00:26 09/23/24 Mon

That is exactly what I wanted my mom to do (then).

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[> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:01:44 09/23/24 Mon

I wasn't anywhere near that bad though.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

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Date Posted: 07:48:50 09/24/24 Tue

Fair enough to join a thread when you are part of the topic! Jump in, Miss Emmie Sue.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

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Date Posted: 14:42:34 09/23/24 Mon

Emmie Sue,

I think most kids need spankings, at least once in awhile, but why on earth do you think you needed it so badly? You admit you were not "that bad" and seem very nice to me. You want spankings, and your girlfriend is giving them to you and also putting you through some humiliation program. Why?

As some have mentioned, I have seen co-eds I would like to take my hairbrush to, but you do not seem like that annoying type. I would like to see your confidence built up, rather than spankings and this humiliation thing. Have some real fun!


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[> [> [> Subject: Taylor to Mom & Emmie Sue

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Date Posted: 00:20:47 09/24/24 Tue

Don't the reasons for spanking change with age?

I know that post-puberty it was often about "attitude" and sullenness, I became moody, sulky and argumentative, which I am sure gave you just cause to take me over your knee.Prior to that I was often spanked for mischievousness, disobedience, and certainly for not doing chores and, of course, fighting with my siblings.

Aunt Nat talked about her niece being "emo" and it seems that Emmie Sue may trend in the same direction. It is unfortunate her Mom did not do some attitude changing. I think she is right. It is so much easier changing attitudes like this before things become complicated with adult stuff.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Taylor to Mom & Emmie Sue

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Date Posted: 00:46:23 09/24/24 Tue

You are absolutely right. I also think your Dad and I might have been a little hasty in cutting off your spankings. We talked a lot about it.

One thing you forgot to mention was a lot of your spankings were for school misbehavior. We were concerned about whether you would knuckle down and study at the university, without that incentive. Your Dad took the position that you had to develop self-discipline.

He won the argument, and I must say you turned out very well. I hope it is the same with Emmie Sue. But I do think she has a point about needing discipline, which spankings could possibly help her develop, with proper guidance.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:17:39 09/24/24 Tue

Well, since my name was mentioned I feel I should reply but I wont cause I don't want to hijack anyones thread.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 07:58:01 09/24/24 Tue

Appreciated Emmie Sue.

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[> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

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Date Posted: 11:03:01 09/23/24 Mon

Great testimony!

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[> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

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Date Posted: 21:39:00 09/23/24 Mon

You came to this site on a different thread seeking advice on the best way to spank. You clearly knew what to do with your niece when you had exhausted all other options. Now all you need to do is apply what you did and learned with your niece to benefit the student seeking motherly guidance.

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[> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 03:49:55 09/24/24 Tue

Sorry, I wrote this on another thread, but it replies to responses here.

Concerning, I was actually too stunned to say much of anything and was thinking about my cards to play. I basically just nodded and let her talk.

Anthony, no I didn't pass on instructions, but of course I kept them updated on their dd and admitted that I spanked her. It wasn't her first spanking, but the first from me, but I suppose with all the turmoil in the house they didn't take. Once the seas had calmed on the home front I believe they reluctantly continued spanking when necessary and it had the desired effect.

Wondering, with my niece in my f/t charge, it was more out of frustration and reactionary, but considered and ritualistic than a 'grab and go' spanking. If you want to look at it as 'giving instructions' that would be something her mom, my lifelong cousin and friend learned from me.
I think it's quite a different thing with a family member in your temporary charge whose diapers you've changed growing into a troubled teen. I never considered it a spanking in the same sense. This young woman is a virtual stranger, an adult who I have a personal friendly relationship with. This excites me and not something out of frustration as a last resort. I do want to see this young woman improve, but that's not my only goal.

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[> [> Subject: Re: My Minimal Spanking Experience

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Date Posted: 09:17:31 09/24/24 Tue

Clearly, spanking your niece is different from spanking the young woman. But what you did can be applied to the young woman. You took the initiative with your niece when it became clear that you needed to do so. Yes it was out of frustration but you acted in a motherly role and you administered the kind of spanking that was warranted in that situation. Again, draw on your inner strength and do what you are capable of doing and assume the dominant position with the young woman. This time you will not be acting out of frustration but rather a recognition that a spanking can make a world of change as it did with your niece.

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