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Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 03:44:12 09/24/24 Tue
In reply to: Concerning 's message, "Re: Not Sure About This..." on 07:58:01 09/23/24 Mon

Concerning, I was actually too stunned to say much of anything and was thinking about my cards to play. I basically just nodded and let her talk.

Anthony, no I didn't pass on instructions, but of course I kept them updated on their dd and admitted that I spanked her. It wasn't her first spanking, but the first from me, but I suppose with all the turmoil in the house they didn't take. Once the seas had calmed on the home front I believe they reluctantly continued spanking when necessary and it had the desired effect.

Wondering, with my niece in my f/t charge, it was more out of frustration and reactionary, but considered and ritualistic than a 'grab and go' spanking. If you want to look at it as 'giving instructions' that would be something her mom, my lifelong cousin and friend learned from me.
I think it's quite a different thing with a family member in your temporary charge whose diapers you've changed growing into a troubled teen. I never considered it a spanking in the same sense. This young woman is a virtual stranger, an adult who I have a personal friendly relationship with. This excites me and not something out of frustration as a last resort. I do want to see this young woman improve, but that's not my only goal.

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