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Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

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Date Posted: 18:18:09 09/24/24 Tue
In reply to: Emmie Sue 's message, "Re: Spanking ect." on 06:16:17 09/24/24 Tue

Enjoying your updates Emmie Sue. That dress you had to wear made me smile and the idea/possibility of you getting your first real spanking in that dress is wild. Wonder if that will happen in front of you Professor friend....

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:52:26 09/25/24 Wed

I have my appointment with my professor friend. I'm nervous as shit and will probably poop my pants (not really).
I'm late for a class, a spankable offence. Gotta go.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Spanking ect.

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 05:35:59 09/26/24 Thu

I didn't think I would be but I was late for my first class, but I figure if I don't say anything who's going to know.

I dutifully and obediently went to my appointment with my professor friend. It was pretty tense and awkward. Finally she said "Look, Emmie Sue I'm sorry. I'm sorry I led you on like that. But you so relentlessly pursued it that I felt the only way I could put a stop to it was to give you a reality check and well, scare the shit out of you. It worked out for the best though because it appears that Shelby is giving you the loving discipline you need and crave. I don't think you would have been happy with me because I wouldn't have been as understanding, Not that I don't love you, but I think I think you are much happier with Shelby than you would have been with me." It didn't make anything anymore less tense and awkward, but my visit ended with a great hug and pats on my bottom. And at least I didn't feel like pooping my pants anymore.

I guess you'd call it melancholy. Shelby came down and sat with me. I didn't really have any homework or chores today, so I passed that test. "You were late for class today." I was like "How did you know about that?!" "Word gets around. I'll have to give you a spanking for that." I could tell she wasn't playing, but in a way I was kind of glad to get the crap out of my head. We talked a little about my visit, but she didn't probe much and I really didn't want to talk about it.

She ran out to get us subs and then it was time for my spanking. Over my jeans with her hand. It really wasn't that bad, but it hurt and it was for real. Then she pulled my jeans down for another spanking over my panties. Panty check. Okay look. Weird Shelby hides the toilet paper and I just didn't feel like searching for it. So I got a spanking on my panties. It stung a lot worse than on my jeans, but still not that bed. Then she gave me a bath. That was wonderful, except for the worn out bar of soap up my butt. That burned. She dressed me in my night shirt, gave me melatonin and put me to bed, which gave me warm fuzzies.

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