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Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Aunt Nat
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Date Posted: 06:16:09 09/25/24 Wed
In reply to: Aunt Nat 's message, "Re: Not Sure About This..." on 04:12:28 09/24/24 Tue

It's a done deal!

The bonding over cooking was a stroke of brilliance, if I do say so myself. Instructing this adorable young lady in the art of cooking and both of us getting our (clean) hands in it and creating something beautiful. My guess is her height in the culinary arts is slapping together a ham sandwich with mayonnaise. I got this idea from Emmie Sue. The ground beef and other ingredients in a skillet, I pulled a wooden spoon from the drawer and held it in front of her. The look on her face was priceless and it was that moment I knew exactly what she was hinting at. I instructed her on stirring the meat holding the spoon firmly in my hand. She did a passable job as well.

In the oven for 35-40 minutes we cleaned up our mess and had time to talk. We both sincerely expressed what this experience meant to us and that we felt bonded, although I don't think that word was used. A few laughs, a few childhood memories, moved into the current and she picked up her previous conversation where she had left off, interjecting this experience. I let her do most of the talking and asked a few questions to lead her to spill it.

"Well, you know...like...a parent would do."
"What would a parent do?"
"Well, like...discipline."
"And how would they do that?"

Boom! She said it. At that point our creation was done. We sat down to dinner and after dinner I took the lead and flat out asked her if she was implying that I was the mother figure and if I felt her behavior warranted it, I would turn her over my knees and give her a damn good spanking. Her head went up and down, but I wanted to hear it from her and after a couple of attempts she layed her cards on the table.

We layed out a plan of what she wishes to accomplish, her goals, expectations and behavior modification and she is to send me an email, not a text, not a Tik Tok, an email as sort of a daily diary every night. We will meet again on Tuesday October 8 and if I determine she deserves a spanking it will be bare bottom, over my knees with hand and hairbrush.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

Emmie Sue
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Date Posted: 06:50:24 09/25/24 Wed

Great Aunt Nat. Well played. I'm glad I helped lol.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 06:53:19 09/25/24 Wed

This was a complete success for both of you - way to go!

When you say she laid her cards on the table --- can you share more of how this conversation went and what she had to say? Do you know if she was raised with spanking and if so until what age?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Not Sure About This...

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Date Posted: 08:17:43 09/25/24 Wed

Further to concerning inquiry, how did you arrive at spanking her bare bottom with hand and brush in future? Was that part of the discussion, or is that something you have resolved to do on your own knowing she would be receptive.

It already seems that you will be taking your new role seriously by administering a sound spanking if warranted and concluded that the brush will well be needed to make sure the spankings is as harsh as circumstances dictate.

You must now be elated!!!!!!!!!!

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