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Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 11:19:51 10/08/24 Tue
In reply to: Karen 's message, "High school paddling" on 10:49:24 10/07/24 Mon

I am a middle school teacher in a rural East Texans school, where we still have corporal punishment. My classroom is near the office so, in a pinch, I am frequently tagged to be the witness. Unlike Karen's teacher I do not hate witnessing a paddling. To me the paddling of a student, is no different than a spanking I give to my stepdaughter. I want her to learn rules and manners. I want her to learn to behave. I do not hate spanking her. It is something I have to do, as a good mother.I do not neglect discipline because "I want a good relationship with her." I discipline her because I love her! And I want her to understand that. Love is not just a bed of roses!

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Cliff (to Laura)
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Date Posted: 12:16:26 10/08/24 Tue

I went to school in a rural SE Texas town but that was more than 50 years ago. I do not think our school even had detention in those days.

I am all for using CP in schools now a days as an option the student can choose as long as suspension is not a more appropriate discipline. I am curious as to what your school does if a student refuses to cooperate and assume the position. I see the posibility of injury if force is used to discipline a student.

How many licks is your school allowed to give at one time?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 12:43:48 10/08/24 Tue

This is a middle school, grades 6-8. I am not aware of refusal happening, but perhaps in upper grades. We also have detention, but it is a lesser punishment. The kids get three or five swats depending on the misbehavior.

One thing I have noticed is how it changes attitude, even with the toughest kids. I am not the only teacher or staff who has noticed misbehavior warranting a second round of paddling is almost non-existence (but again, this may have to do with the ages).

In our school district corporal punishment is widely supported by parents. Per Texas law, at the beginning of the school year they may opt their child out, but few do.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 12:58:54 10/08/24 Tue

I am very aware Texas is a conservative state and for the most part I support CP in schools. I know school staff seemed to have a handle on discipline back in my day, and we did not have the discipline problems schools do today.

My main concern with corporal punishment in schools is the paddles that may be used by someone who is not knowledgable about what they are doing. Some paddles I have seen are basically a piece of lumber and they do have to be in order to be effective.

In my opinion, paddles should not be any more than a half an inch thick and if a paddle is swung hard enough to break a 1/2 inch thick piece of hardwood, that is excessive. Also, those authorized to paddle should be given some training in order to safely administer a paddling. Actually, I think a good leather strap would be as effective as a school paddle and safer to use.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 14:57:02 10/08/24 Tue

I must be about the same age as you, growing up in the fifties/early sixties. I have called it the "golden age of spanking." Almost all parents spanked, all the schools, public and private, paddled. And this was in liberal Western Washington!

I went to Catholic schools K-through 12. In primary school all the nuns had paddles. I never got it. Partly because I was something of a goody two shoes, and a girl (boys were, somewhat justifiably more prone to get it) and my parents had a rule, like almost all parents at the time, get spanked at school get another at home --and I knew it would be a real doozy!

But on your point, no doubt kids were better behaved then--at school and home.

By the way, for better or worse,there is no paddling in schools in Washington now, and no Catholic schools anywhere spank.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Cliff (to Rebecca)
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Date Posted: 17:31:13 10/08/24 Tue

I would guess we are close together in age. I turned 69 in August.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 20:51:06 10/08/24 Tue

Got you beat by a year! Turned 70 in April.

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Karen for Cliff and Laura
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Date Posted: 13:38:26 10/08/24 Tue

Very few parents here refuse swats I got paddled in middle school 6th grade I was having trouble being on time for my third period class it was the furthest from my locker I went to my locker after every class . I had my fourth tardy on Thursday got referred to the office I got called to the office over the loudspeaker in my 6th period class . I had to get three swats with the paddle the assistant principal said use my backpack to carry books to my classes until lunch then put them into the locker and get the books for my afternoon classes . I took my three licks did what he said and learned a lesson . In elementary and middle school I got a lot of paddlings being a wild child but grew out of it in 8 th grade . I never got into anything that was five swats or a in school suspension .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 16:12:32 10/08/24 Tue

Three swats is a lot. Glad they worked and you figured out a good system for being on time and not tardy. Do you think three was just right or could you have learned what to do with just one?

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Karen for Alfred
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Date Posted: 08:15:17 10/09/24 Wed

The punishment for tardies was written in the student handbook as three swats with the paddle or a three hour Saturday detention administrators choice I got the punishment everyone else would get deserved and no hard feelings . I got a spanking from dad at home . Yes it hurt as a spanking should it is punishment .

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