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Subject: Re: High school paddling

Cliff (with a question for Karen)
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Date Posted: 17:29:01 10/08/24 Tue
In reply to: Karen 's message, "High school paddling" on 10:49:24 10/07/24 Mon

I have a question I would like to ask you since you have recent experience on the receiving end of the school paddle. I know different paddles, and how they are used will have different pain levels. I have a paddle, made from oak, that is 24 inches long, 3 1/2 inches wide, and 1/2 inch thick.

All my recent experience is being the paddler. I have been told by a certain lady, who likes spanking, that the first 2 swats with it is bearable. But each swat after two, the sting seems to double. Would you consider that an accurate account? Was there that much a difference between getting 5 swats over clothes from your Assistant Principal instead of only 3? How about when you get swats when bare below the waist?

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Karen for Cliff
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Date Posted: 08:27:19 10/09/24 Wed

The paddles in high school were 24 inches long I only got three lick paddlings at school the first was hard enough to get my eyes watery the second tears rolling down my face the third loud crying and it would move my body a little forward . The middle school paddle was 18 inches long elementary school had two paddle sizes 13 inches for kindergarten and first grade and the 15 inch grades 2 through 5 . All worked the same on the age group used on plus age appropriate hard swats . The paddles had holes in them . My dad has given me up to 12 swats he builds the swats up more gradually until the last swat and adjusts his swing for my bottom being bare dads paddle has holes in it to it fells like your bottom is burning .

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