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Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla to Alfred
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Date Posted: 14:30:44 10/24/24 Thu
In reply to: Kayla 's message, "Re: High school paddling" on 10:17:30 10/21/24 Mon

The students in the farm area the school get it at home the accept the paddling most have home work and farm work after school these are family farms not corporate farms detention would be a hardship for the students or thier families most get paddled or belted at home so a little spanking is not the worst thing . It is easy to think everything is one size fit all . We have affordable but nice school uniforms so the feel good about the school clothes and help them learn . A education can lead them to a better life . Most of the farms are peanuts and soybeans most have horses for personal use and to raise and sell . Something’s that make sense in rural America might not make sense in other parts of the country . The administrators thee a principal a female two assistants one male and female have what’s is best for all the students at the school at heart . I have had boys and girls thank me for sending them to the office . Three swats is the max allowed

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla for Alfred
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Date Posted: 18:04:49 10/24/24 Thu

I teach 6th grade science I have a bachelor’s degree in teaching and a master’s in physics I came back to the town I grew up in to help future generations . My paddlings were witnessed and not abusive I learned to follow rules and care about my education. Abuse can still happen but there is less of a chance with standard paddles limits on swats and the witness . The 6th graders are part young adults part children . From what I see no hard feelings I have taught 12 years and enjoy it a lot . I have seen students I taught in the first few years get married and have kids you know everyone in a small town

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