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Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 10:17:30 10/21/24 Mon
In reply to: Karen 's message, "High school paddling" on 10:49:24 10/07/24 Mon

I am a teacher in a paddling district in Alabama I teach in a middle school the paddling is done in the office parents must consent in the beginning of the school year most do the middle school paddle size is in between the elementary and high school paddles being 18 inches long . I have witnessed three paddlings this year . All were girls and the paddlings involved more than one . I feel sorry for the students but discipline must be done . I have no problem being a witness or referring a student to the office for not behaving.

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 00:09:43 10/23/24 Wed

Kayla's opinion is very important here. She is currently working as a teacher in Alabama and has served at the official observer this school year. Perhaps, her school has set boundary conditions that prevent the sort of excesses that Sonya experienced. How upset are the students beforehand and afterwards? Are they in a similar condition to Sonya?

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla to Alfred
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Date Posted: 14:30:44 10/24/24 Thu

The students in the farm area the school get it at home the accept the paddling most have home work and farm work after school these are family farms not corporate farms detention would be a hardship for the students or thier families most get paddled or belted at home so a little spanking is not the worst thing . It is easy to think everything is one size fit all . We have affordable but nice school uniforms so the feel good about the school clothes and help them learn . A education can lead them to a better life . Most of the farms are peanuts and soybeans most have horses for personal use and to raise and sell . Something’s that make sense in rural America might not make sense in other parts of the country . The administrators thee a principal a female two assistants one male and female have what’s is best for all the students at the school at heart . I have had boys and girls thank me for sending them to the office . Three swats is the max allowed

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla for Alfred
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Date Posted: 18:04:49 10/24/24 Thu

I teach 6th grade science I have a bachelor’s degree in teaching and a master’s in physics I came back to the town I grew up in to help future generations . My paddlings were witnessed and not abusive I learned to follow rules and care about my education. Abuse can still happen but there is less of a chance with standard paddles limits on swats and the witness . The 6th graders are part young adults part children . From what I see no hard feelings I have taught 12 years and enjoy it a lot . I have seen students I taught in the first few years get married and have kids you know everyone in a small town

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[> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Alfred22 for Kayla
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Date Posted: 22:41:22 10/24/24 Thu

Thank you Kayla for your detailed description of your school and how it is serving your rural community. After-school time is quite different for urban kids who have "activities" rather than farm work essential to the operation of the family business.

Detention of a rural student might well amount to the loss of a worker. It would harm the family, impose on other family members to pick up the slack, and possibly force the student to miss the school bus and to need someone to drive him or her home.

I can see how different after-school time is now that Kayla has reminded us. Clearly for Kayla's rural students detention is not an alternative to the paddle.

Kayla, you mention that you were paddled when you went to the school you teach in or to a similar school. What was your offense and did you benefit from the standard paddle and the three swat limit?

Also, if you recall, why did your students thank you for referring them to the office for swats. That is, what were they grateful for?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla for Alfred
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Date Posted: 12:34:08 10/25/24 Fri

I had more than one paddling in k through 12 grade in elementary school and middle school was talking being a class clown the paddlings helped me get serious and learn . Also another spanking at home . The students were thankful I corrected them I have a great relationship with my students . My husband and I have three daughters the oldest is 11 and the youngest is 7 . My husband founded a non profit to connect family farmers to resources and to advocate for better laws to help family farms . We do spank our girls we use a wooden spoon it stings and gets their attention

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Alfred22 for Kayla (Very appreciative)
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Date Posted: 07:31:57 10/26/24 Sat

This is a big election year and your responses about your family life are very helpful to me. Your partnership with your husband enables him to develop the non-profit that links family farmers to all the resources designed to keep family farming going.

I have always loved farm life. I know it only from afar. My best friend's dad raised goats and delivered their milk to persons who needed it medically. His Mom had rental property that she managed. They did not live on the money from the goat dairy.

What is the economic future of family farming? I have read that big companies are taking over agriculture. I like the idea of the family as a team and farming requires teamwork. So, it would be good if family farming continues but it may need to be done collectively through small groups of farmers working together. Will any of your girls want to be farmers?

I bet they are well-behaved. The mom of a girl friend used the wooden spoon. She would tell me that if we didn't want red bullseye circles painted on our bottoms, to be sure Karen was home on time. I took the hint and never called her bluff. She may have been joking about including me, but the red circles were no joke!. Still it was on my mind, for sure.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Kayla for Alfred
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Date Posted: 09:44:37 10/26/24 Sat

We still kelp the spoon handy it is in my handbag when we go out as a family . Watching tv in the family room it is within reach of me same at the dinner table . It helps remind them of the consequences of poor behavior at 11 9 and 7 they know how to behave . A lot of moms around here use a wooden spoon or spatulas our is an olive wood spatula everybody especially children call them all a spanking spoon . It is easy to control the force of a swat so it can be used from younger children to teens .

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

Alfred22 for Kayla
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Date Posted: 11:54:52 10/26/24 Sat

Whether as a guest you were liable to the same consequences as your friend or date was never totally clear. One time I was a guest and my friend's littlest brother prompted the dreaded stopping of his mother's car on the way to the beach. She got out and cut a switch as we all sat silently and watched.

She came back to the car to spank the brother but the back seat was crowded and there were no car seats or seat belts. So. we all got "accidental" switch licks even trying not to be in the way. That was the most I ever got as a guest.

However, especially after that happened I was even more cautious and on good behavior when I entered a friend's house, especially when, like Kayla, his mom conspicuously displayed her "spanking spoon" or paddle. Leaving the current implement in plain sight is a good reminder of the consequences of poor conduct. Do your kids ask you to keep it out of sight?

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: High school paddling

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Date Posted: 15:00:51 10/29/24 Tue

In my country spanking isn’t common so iam suprised that you can talk to free about it.
There are differend women that work on the schools and witness the spankings.
I was wondering if a student gets a spanking, do they ever ask not to tell the parents because of what’s coming at home?
Do you hold back because they are facing another spanking at home ?
Do the students or parents ever tell what’s gonna happen after they are home in detail ?

Do you notice that a student sits down very careful the next day ?
Do you ever inform if they are okay the next day ?

We don’t have corporal punishment in schools.
But I understand as a mom that if my child had a note from school that they got paddled. Let’s say they had some quality time over my knee after diner.

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