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Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 09:03:15 10/28/24 Mon
In reply to: Lyra 's message, "Younger sibling treated differently" on 12:33:07 10/27/24 Sun

This did not happen in my family. I think my sister and I were treated equally.Mon did all of the spanking; always bare, no exceptions. My sister may have gotten just a bit more than I did but she was a bit more "rebellious" if that's the right word.

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[> Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 19:38:45 10/29/24 Tue

It is good for a parent to change their approach to discipline as they learn better parenting from their own experience of raising kids. Why stick to methods that are ineffective or even possibly damaging to the child?

Were you a bad girl, and spankings on a covered bottom not effective? Some parents may over the years become worse at parenting. Not everyone is capable of learning, so a change of approach is not always a good thing.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 01:08:39 10/30/24 Wed

Hi Dana
I wouldn't say that I was bad, and neither is my sister. I used to get in trouble for not cleaning my room, coming home after my curfew, and not doing the homework the most. I guess it's typical for every kid. My sister is about the same. One time I skipped a day in school, and I guess that was the worst spanking I ever got.

At first I was surprised, I guess mom was too that she took down both, her pants and panties in a single swoop. But now I feel sorry for her when I see mom taking off her panties for every spanking. She's embarrassed now, and with puberty coming it will be only getting worse. Not to mention that it must sting a lot more on the bare bottom, and mom is spanking her more meticulously now than ever. I guess it's because she can see her bottom and make sure that every part gets the same treatment.

Since we are basically the same behaviour wise, and I never caused any major problem being spanked less severely, I don't understand the change. It's like mom suddenly realised that she liked this approach more, and my sister was just unlucky.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Younger sibling treated differently

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Date Posted: 12:43:04 10/30/24 Wed

Hi Lyra. That's unfortunate for your sister. We always got it bare in my house, and you really feel the paddle with no protection whatsoever. Being seen unclothed by parents was not that big a deal to me, but I was used to it from an early age. That was never normalized for your sister, so having her bottom bared probably feels very awkward for her. I hope your mom reconsiders and goes back to the established method that worked well for you in your home.

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