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Subject: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 04:15:33 11/04/24 Mon

Hi everyone,
I'm new here and it is a very big effort for me to write this message... so please be kind with me !!

My name is Maëlys, i live somewhere in Europe, i am 15 years old (16 in january), am in what US poeple call "high school".

Why i'm writing here is because my family and parents are loving but damn strict, and i would like to meet other poeple all around the world who live about the same, maybe becoming friends... (Not sure if this a good place to ? But google brought me here..)

So yes my parents are strict and have high expectations and rules, such like time schedule, school, helping at home, mobile phone etc... and yes also punishments, including stuffs like corner time and corporal punishments (mostly what is called here a "martinet"). (Outside my family, only my best friend know about it).

What else to say ? i have two younger sibs, a 12 yo sister and a 9 yo brother.
I love thousands things in life, seeing my friends, movies, i play music, play basketball sport etc...

So feel free to ask any other question if you want to know more !

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[> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 08:39:14 11/04/24 Mon

Howdy and welcome.
Are you perhaps Breton or Normand? My mother was born around there long ago. Martinet has two meanings, seems like you get both.

Would you rather:

Get punished in private, or do corner time on YouTube?

Same question for your siblings, feel free to guess their answers.

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[> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 09:23:27 11/04/24 Mon

I am a mom and a grandmother welcome to this group I have seen pictures of the martinet it looks like it really hurts my parents used a small paddle and a belt on me . My husband and I used a wooden spoon and a belt on our kids two boys and three girls . My kids do spank our grandkids . Spanking is common in rural Georgia where we live .

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

Maelys to Sarah
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Date Posted: 12:07:02 11/04/24 Mon

Hi Sarah and nice to meet you !
How old are your kids and grandkids now ?

To answer to what you said, yes the martinet is pure hell , but belt isnt much better in my opinion.

Teens getting spanked is still common where you live nowadays ?
Here it isnt at all !


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[> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

Maelys to vork
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Date Posted: 12:04:15 11/04/24 Mon

Hi Vork !
What do you mean by "has two meanings and i get both" ?

I didnt understood your question though. Why do you talk about youtube ?

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[> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 02:27:05 11/05/24 Tue

Hello Maelys,
The martinet looks like an implement of torture. I've read that in the country it is most used it's now considered an abusive tool.

So the questions I'd like to ask you. Since you mentioned it is not common where you live to be punished, why do your parents things differently you think? Have your parents ever gotten in trouble with the authorities?

Second if you're comfortable with explaining. How are the punishments done and for what? Is there some ritual involved? And do you think they are abusive?

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[> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

Maelys to Phil
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Date Posted: 04:42:09 11/06/24 Wed

Hello Phil,

Yes in most of countries of Europe, corporal punishments such as spanking (even with hand) is considered as abusive.
However, it is still used (hand i mean) on young children in some families, and authorities dont mind about it (or at least dont try to mind about it).

Now why my parents do it in a more "old fashioned" way, that's a rough question... I think it's because they were raised like that, think it's the best and more effective for us etc...

About the ritual thing, not really .. What do you mean by that ?


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 05:00:42 11/06/24 Wed

Thanks for the response. People here call them 'rituals'. They mean things like being ordered to go to your room, having to wait for your parents for a certain amount of time, being lectured on what you did wrong, etc. Is it like that or do just get the punishment and it's over quickly?

What does a punishment with the martinet look like exactly? If it is not too inappropriate of me to ask. Because to me that tool looks like the whips they used to punish sailors hundreds of years ago.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

Maelys to Phil
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Date Posted: 05:16:15 11/06/24 Wed

Oh of course i would get lectured about what i did, have a chance to explain myself before the punishment etc.. but it is not done in a "ritual" way i mean !

Aha to be honest, of course the two implements are different, but it's like a belt in the way it can be done to compare to something more "common".. i dunno how to explain better ?


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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 05:26:43 11/06/24 Wed

Okay I kind of understand. I feel bad for asking more questions. I'm not a creep, just very curious.

So it is not used on the back like with the sailors. And it is more like a belt. Is it done over the clothes?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

Maelys to Phil
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Date Posted: 05:37:38 11/06/24 Wed

No, here it is used, on bottom, and up of back thighs. Pants and panties have to be down for it..


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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: New here - Maëlys

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Date Posted: 06:19:05 11/06/24 Wed

What you tell me is a bit more shocking to me since it happens in our region, unlike most stories here which happen far away in North America. Since you're older, are these punishments done less often? Do you think these punishments are just and have you tried to reach out to people?

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